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7-minute read

Key facts

  • Agoraphobia is a fear of being in certain situations that may be hard to leave, or where support may not be available.
  • It leads to avoidance of these places or situations.
  • Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that is common in people who have panic disorder and panic attacks.
  • Agoraphobia can impact your quality of life and prevent you from doing things.
  • Treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy are available to help you manage and overcome agoraphobia.

What is agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is avoidance due to the fear of panicking in certain places or situations. These might include:

Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is normal to sometimes feel anxious or worry. Anxiety becomes a disorder if it interferes with your daily life and causes you distress. Anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia can impact your ability to:

Agoraphobia is also a type of phobia and often goes together with panic disorder and panic attacks.

What are the symptoms of agoraphobia?

If you have agoraphobia, you may avoid going to places to prevent anxiety or panic attacks where:

You may:

You may have agoraphobia even if you don't have panic attacks as a symptom.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

What causes agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia can be caused by many different things.

It may arise from a stressful event, or multiple stressful experiences. These can be:

You are more likely to experience agoraphobia if you have:

Panic attacks are very distressing. If you have a panic attack, you may begin to avoid any situation that could trigger another attack. Over time, this avoidance can grow to include more and more places.

When should I see my doctor?

If anxiety is affecting your daily life, talking to a doctor or a mental healthcare professional is the first step. They can help you get the right support and help you understand your treatment options.

You should talk to your doctor if:

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How is agoraphobia diagnosed?

To diagnose agoraphobia, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms. The more detailed answers you can give about what you are experiencing, the better.

They might:

Your doctor will make sure there is not another problem that is making you feel this way. They can refer you to a specialist for more help, such as a:

If you are eligible, they can also help organise a Mental Health Treatment Plan.

How is agoraphobia treated?

There are different treatments that can help you manage and overcome agoraphobia. With the right support, information and treatment, most people with agoraphobia find that their symptoms improve, or they recover completely.

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is the most effective way to help treat agoraphobia. Therapy can teach you to:

Therapy usually happens by seeing a mental health professional in person, but it can sometimes be done:

You can talk to your doctor about what is best for you.


You may benefit from medications as antidepressants if you have:

You can talk to your doctor about medication options.

Support from friends and family

Tell your family and friends about how you are feeling. They can support you.

Can agoraphobia be prevented?

Sometimes, the cause of agoraphobia can't be prevented. However, recognising signs of panic and avoidance and getting treatment for agoraphobia can help you overcome it. It also prevents it getting bigger or generalising further.

If you begin to feel anxious more often, or experience a stressful event, seek support. Managing your anxiety can help prevent an anxiety disorder such as agoraphobia.

Complications of agoraphobia

If left unmanaged, agoraphobia can lead to a lower quality of life and other mental health issues such as:

If you think you might have agoraphobia, speak to your doctor.

Resources and support

To learn more about mental health you can visit Your Health in Mind.

Online information and support for anxiety is available from:

Children and young people can get support from:

The Way Ahead website offers mental health information in a range of languages.

For advice and to get connected to local mental health services, you can call Head to Health on 1800 595 212. Check the operating times.

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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