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Eye discharge

6-minute read

Key facts

  • It's normal to find some crusty eye discharge along your lashes and in the corner of your eye when you wake up from sleep.
  • Normal eye discharge is usually white or a pale cream colour.
  • Treatment for abnormal eye discharge depends on the cause.
  • You may need to treat some types of eye discharge with medicines.

What is eye discharge?

Eye discharge is secretion (release) of mucus, pus or excessive tears from your eyes.

What symptoms are related to eye discharge?

It's normal to find some crusty eye discharge along your lashes and in the corner of your eye when you wake up. This is also called eye gunk, crust or sleep.

Eye discharge is not usually a cause for concern. However, there can be other causes of eye discharge.

What causes eye discharge?

When you are awake, you blink regularly. Blinking keeps your eyes moist with tears and washes away any debris in your eyes.

When you are asleep you don't blink regularly. This allows normal eye mucus and other residue can collect in the corners of your eyes. Normal eye discharge is usually white or a pale cream colour.

What could be causing my watery eye discharge?

If you have a large amount of watery eye discharge you may have viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) or allergic conjunctivitis.

If you have viral conjunctivitis, one or both of your eyes may be red and uncomfortable, with watery or white discharge. Sometimes you may have a sensation of having grit or dirt in your eyes.

With allergic conjunctivitis, both your eyes may be itchy and red, with watery discharge and occasional eyelid swelling. This is often combined with sneezing or coughing. These symptoms may be seasonal.

What could be causing my sticky eye discharge?

In children and adults, sticky, gooey yellow or green discharge and difficulty opening your eyes may be a sign of bacterial conjunctivitis.

In babies, a blocked tear duct can cause constantly watery eyes and sticky, gooey discharge. This occurs because the tears aren't draining normally due to the blockage.

A baby with blocked tear duct and eye discharge.

How is the cause of eye discharge diagnosed?

Your doctor, pharmacist, optometrist or child health nurse will examine your eye and ask questions to determine the cause of your eye discharge.

When should I see my doctor?

See your doctor or optometrist if you have any of these symptoms:

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How is eye discharge treated?

Treatment for abnormal eye discharge depends on the cause.

Self-care at home

Your doctor may advise you to use artificial tears or cold compresses to soothe your eyes.

If your baby has a blocked tear duct, it will usually get better without any treatment by the time your baby is about one year old. Your doctor or early childhood nurse may show you how to massage your baby's eyes gently, to help empty any discharge out of the duct.

Viral conjunctivitis usually clears up by itself without the need for prescribed medicines.

Medicines for eye discharge

Allergic conjunctivitis responds well to antihistamine eye drops, nasal sprays or tablets. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist to help you buy the correct medicine for your situation.

Bacterial conjunctivitis may require antibiotic eye drops. You can get these eye drops from your pharmacist or your doctor can prescribe these for you.

Can eye discharge be prevented?

Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are highly contagious. To help stop the spread of infectious conjunctivitis you should:

Complications of eye discharge

Most causes of eye discharge get better without treatment. On rare occasions complications can occur, such as:

Resources and support

If you need advice on what to do for abnormal eye discharge, call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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