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Itchy eyes

6-minute read

Key facts

  • Itchy eyes, or 'ocular pruritis', is a common problem.
  • It's usually caused by an allergy.
  • Your doctor or optometrist can help to work out why you have itchy eyes.

What are itchy eyes?

Itchy eyes, or 'ocular pruritis', is a very common problem. Itchy eyes are most often caused by an allergy.

What are the symptoms of itchy eyes?

You might also have itchy eyelids. It's usually itchy at the base of the eyelashes. Your eyes and/or eyelids might also be swollen.

Sometimes itchy eyes can be caused by something called dry eye syndrome.

What causes itchy eyes?

Allergic conjunctivitis

The most common cause of itchy eyes is an allergy. Your eyes may start to itch if you are near pollen or animal fur. Other things can also trigger itchy eyes are:

Your body reacts to the trigger by releasing histamine in your eyes. This causes the blood vessels in the eye to stretch and get bigger. Then, the nerve endings start to get irritated. The result is that the eyes start to water.

The eyes get red because of the allergy. This redness is called allergic conjunctivitis. Sometimes it can be called 'pink eye' or 'red eye'. This type of conjunctivitis is not contagious.

You can get allergic conjunctivitis at any time of the year. However, it's more common at certain months or seasons. An example is Spring when there is a lot of pollen around. Allergic conjunctivitis can also cause:

Other allergies

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis causes inflammation or redness on the surface of your eye. It happens when you have an allergy to a something specific.

Another condition is called 'vernal keratoconjunctivitis' (VKC). It happens when the membrane on the surface of the eye becomes red or inflamed. This usually affects young males.


Some people who have eczema can get itchy eyes. This happens if your eczema rash is near the eyes. Eczema is a type of skin rash or dermatitis.

Other causes of itchy eyes

Other causes of itchy eyes can be:

When should I see my doctor?

See your doctor if:

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How are itchy eyes diagnosed?

Your doctor or optometrist can help to work out why you have itchy eyes.

Your doctor can help you find out what you are allergic to. They may refer you to a specialist immunologist or allergist if your allergy or itch is more complex.

You should talk to your doctor about whether changing your medicines could help prevent itchy eyes.

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How are itchy eyes treated?

If you have something in your eye, try to wash it out with warm water. You could also use a saline solution. If that doesn't work, you should see a doctor within 24 hours.

Itching caused by an allergy can be helped with antihistamine or anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Sometimes you may need to take an antihistamine tablet. This helps reduce the symptoms of the allergy. It helps to stop the histamine from making the eyes itchy.

It can help to use artificial tears. These are special eye drops that are used to keep dry eyes moist. The artificial tears wash the surface of your eye. This washing helps to remove things like pollen that cause the allergy.

Itchy eyes self-help

You can ease the itching by placing a clean, cold, damp washcloth over your closed eyes. You could also use an ice-pack over your closed eyes.

It might also help to bathe your eyes with cold water.

Try not to rub your eyes because this will make the itching worse. Rubbing your eyes could also damage them.

If you have dry eye, make the air as humid as possible. You can do this at home by placing bowls of water around the room or using a humidifier.

Can itchy eyes be prevented?

Try to avoid things that can irritate the eyes. Eye irritation can be caused by dry air, wind or pollen.

Chemicals like cigarette smoke, dust, cleaners, and strong smells can also irritate your eyes.

Staring at a screen for a long time can also make your eyes sore. Try to blink more often. This keeps the surface of your eyes wet.

If you know what is causing the allergy, you can act to remove it. For example, you could stop using make-up if that is the cause. Always use low-allergy products near your eyes.

Use eye protection to prevent things from getting into your eyes. Eye protection can keep your eyes free of pollen, sand and dust.

Eating a diet with plenty of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids can also help.

Resources and support

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne has information about conjunctivitis in languages other than English.

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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