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Mobility aids

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Mobility aids are devices that make everyday tasks easier and safer for older people, people with disability, chronic conditions or injuries.
  • You might need a mobility aid if you or someone you care for has trouble walking or moving.
  • Mobility aids help you move more independently and may also reduce your pain as you move about.
  • Types of mobility aids include walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, electric beds, car modifications, lifting aids and assistance animals.
  • You can buy or rent mobility aids or get them through government programs, often with help from a health professional.

What are mobility aids?

Mobility aids are devices to help you make everyday tasks or activities easier and safer. They help you move or walk more independently.

Mobility aids can help a wide range of people, including:

There are many types of mobility aids. Healthcare professionals can assess your mobility needs and suggest the best ones for you.

When might I need to use a mobility aid?

Mobility aids can help with everyday tasks. You might need one if:

How do mobility aids help?

Mobility aids can help you:

What types of mobility aids are available?

There are several types of mobility aids and tools available. Here are some common examples and how they can help you:

Walking aids

Walking aids give you extra support to help keep your balance and walk more easily. Examples are:

Wheelchairs and scooters

If you are not able to walk, or find walking painful or difficult, you might benefit from a wheelchair or scooter. There are several different types available:

Electric recliner chairs and beds

Electric recliner chairs help you sit down and get up more easily. They often have:

Electric beds make it easier for you to move and change your position. You can adjust the back, legs, and height. They can also make it easier and safer for healthcare providers and carers to take care of someone.

Car modifications

Car modifications are special changes made to vehicles to help you move or drive. They can help with:

Special aids, such as hand controls, can help you drive if you can't use your legs. You may need a special driving test after modifications have been made.

Lifting aids

Lifting aids help move people who have difficulty moving by themselves. They are important for safety.

Examples include lifting machines or hoists. These are large devices that use a sling to gently lift you from one place to another. There are many ways they can help lift you, for example:

They are often used in hospitals and care facilities. They can and also be used in your home. Lifting aids make it easier and safer for both the person being lifted and the caregiver.

Orthopaedic supports

Orthopaedic supports give extra stability to injured or weak parts of the body. They may improve mobility and reduce pain. Examples include:

Assistance animals

Assistance dogs and animals are specially trained to help people with disability. They help with daily activities. This makes it easier and safer for people to move around who:

How can I access mobility aids?

Some types of mobility aids can be expensive, and you may need to pay for them yourself. Other mobility aids can be rented or used for free for a short time. Some mobility aids can be paid for partly or fully by government programs.

How much a mobility aid costs depends on your age and why you need it. It depends, for example, on whether you have a long-term disability or a temporary injury.

Mobility aids can be prescribed by:

After a thorough assessment, your healthcare professional can help you choose the best mobility aids and equipment.

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Complications of mobility aids

It is important to use the right mobility aid for your condition and to get it fitted and installed safely. Mobility aids can be unsafe and cause injuries if not used correctly.

Using electric wheelchairs and scooters are helpful but there are some risks. Accidents can happen, such as:

These accidents are more likely to happen if you haven't received proper training. Accidents may lead to injuries and long recoveries or legal problems. Good support and training can help keep you and others safe.

How to safely use mobility aids on public transport

There are ways to help reduce your risk of accident or injury when you use a mobility aid such as a wheelchair or scooter on public transport.

Tips for keeping safe include making sure your mobility aid is:

Not all transport options are set up for mobility aids. It’s a good idea to check in advance. Different options apply to trains, buses, ferries and coaches in different areas. Check your state or territory public transport authority for information on using a mobility aid on public transportation. Be sure to check specific details for your situation.

When waiting for your ride:

Resources and support

For more information on funding and applying for mobility aids:

If you need to modify a vehicle:

For more information on using mobility aids on public transport:

For information on assistance animals:

Other languages

Health Translations has translated information on many health topics, including safe use and care of a manual wheelchair.

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