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9-minute read

Call triple zero (000) if someone has been exposed to a harmful substance and stops breathing, collapses, has a seizure or a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

Key facts

  • Poisoning happens when you are sufficiently exposed to a substance that can cause illness, injury or death.
  • Common sources of poisoning are over-the-counter and prescription medicines, cleaning products, pesticides and animal bites or stings.
  • You can call the Poisons Information Line on 13 11 26 at any time.
  • Ways to prevent poisoning include childproofing storage containers and teaching children about poisons.
  • It’s important to familiarise yourself with first aid for poisoning.

What is poisoning?

Poisoning happens when you are exposed to a substance in amounts that cause illness, injury or death.

Poisoning can happen accidentally or on purpose.

A poison can be any substance that causes harm, including:

Poisoning can happen through:

What are the symptoms of poisoning?

Call triple zero (000) immediately if someone stops breathing, is unconscious, has a seizure or has a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

Symptoms of poisoning differ between poisons. They can depend on:

Some general symptoms to watch for are:

Other symptoms are:

If you have a young child, look out for sudden unexplained illness, because poisoning could be the cause.

Call the Poisons Information Line on 13 11 26 if you think you have been exposed to poison. There is no need to wait until symptoms appear.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

What causes poisoning?

Some common sources of poisoning are given below.


Medicines that can cause poisoning include:

Recreational substances and substances of abuse

Other substances that can cause poisoning include:

Poisons in your home

Products and chemicals that can cause poisoning include:

Poisons at work

Products and chemicals at work that can cause poisoning include:

Bites and stings

Poisoning can be from bites and stings from:

Plants and mushrooms

Plants that can cause poisoning include:

Who gets poisoned?

Most accidental poisonings occur in children under 5 years old.

The risk is greater when your family’s routine is changed. This can be when you’re on holiday, moving house or have visitors.

Adults can be poisoned from:

When should I get help?

Call triple zero (000) if someone stops breathing, collapses, has a seizure, has a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or has been exposed to a harmful substance.

If calling triple zero (000) does not work on your mobile phone try calling 112. Or you can take the person to the closest emergency department. Early treatment can save a life.

If there are no symptoms, call the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. You can call 24 hours a day from anywhere in Australia.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

What first aid should I give for suspected poisoning?

Follow the first aid instructions for different types of poisonings below. After giving first aid, you should seek medical attention.

For swallowed poison:

For inhaled poison:

For skin exposure to poison:

For eye exposure to poison:

How is poisoning diagnosed?

A doctor will need to work out how harmful the poison is and manage it accordingly.

They may ask you:

They may do blood tests to confirm or rule out common substances such as paracetamol.

How is poisoning treated?

Being poisoned can be life threatening.

If you are admitted to hospital, staff will try to remove or treat the poison. Possible treatments include:

In cases where the poisoning was intentional (such as a drug overdose), you will be referred to mental health services for extra support.

How can I help prevent poisoning?

Poisoning often occurs when substances are not stored securely. See the tips below for storing substances safely.

Inside the house:

When handling medicines:

In the garden or shed:

Help children understand about poisons:

Complications of poisoning

Complications of poisoning vary depending on the chemical involved.

Some substances can be harmful even in small amounts. They may cause complications such as seizures, organ failure, coma or death.

Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns about your exposure to a substance, especially if it is ongoing, such as in your workplace.

Resources and support

It’s a good idea to save the Poisons Information Centre number 13 11 26 in your contacts list.

For more information and support on poisons you can visit the NSW Poisons Information Centre. They give telephone advice Australia-wide on 13 11 26 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Other languages

Do you prefer to read languages other than English? The Royal Children’s Hospital has poisoning prevention tips in 11 languages including Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Farsi and Vietnamese.

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