Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) is a partnership between Mission Australia and Next Step, and provides young people and their families with a comprehensive range of alcohol and other drug services. The facility accommodates up to seven young people in a residential setting for approximately 3-14 days.
Services provided
• Withdrawal and Respite
• Residential Rehabilitation
• Youth Detention Counsellor Service
• Young Person Opportunity Program (YPOP)
• Clinical Psychologist
• Co-morbidity program for co-occurring AOD and MH issues
• Individual counselling
• Recreational activities
• Independent Living Skills
• Health education
• Outreach worker
• Indigenous Mentor
• Music/Art Mentor
• Transitional Accommodation.
The Drug and Alcohol Youth Service also provides a family program, which includes counselling, information and support to parents or friends of young drug users to assist in a better understanding of drug and alcohol issues.
Target Groups
• Young people under 21 including those in Juvenile detention (aged 10+) with alcohol and other drug misuse issues who require withdrawal support or those wanting to change their drug lifestyle
• Parents and significant others
• Referral and support agencies
Entry Requirements
• Referrals can be made through the duty system Monday to Friday 12.30-4.00pm.
• Police/ justice system referrals
• Must be 21 years of age and under