Open 24 hours. Safe, supportive environment for intoxicated persons at risk of harm. Assess level of intoxication, monitor sobering up process, arrange medical intervention, provide physical needs such as a bed, clothing, bathing, laundry facilities and a meal. Respond to phone calls from members of the public, clients and their families. Encourage clients to consider the harm and risk associated with their alcohol / drug use and arrange referral to medical detoxification services and rehabilitation if appropriate: EntryProcedures No referral is required. Admission is based on a brief assessment when presenting at the unit.: WaitingListDetails This service provides shelter and support for persons who are assessed when presenting at the unit as requiring a safe place to sober up or recover from the immediate effects of drug use, including persons apprehended under the Public Intoxication Act (PIA) in South Australia. Priority of access is accorded to persons in greatest need.