This service provides general and emergency treatment including restorative and denture services to concession card holders and special needs groups. This service is available at Brunswick site only.
$22.00 Concession Card Holders
Area Serviced
Anywhere within the state of Victoria, however clients are encouraged to visit their nearest Community Dental Program.
Initial Contact
Reception: 9387.6711
Pension Concession Card, Health Care Card Holders (fee applies) and their dependents, Pre-School Children attending kindergartens/pre-schools/creche in the City of Moreland are seen free of charge. School Dental Program for Children/Youths under the age of 18 (Years 9 to 12) who possess a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.
This service provides general and emergency treatment including restorative and denture services to concession card holders and special needs groups. ttp: