The City Health Centre on 1 Moore Street Civic, provides a Primary Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) outside the ground floor entrance, to the right of main door.
Primary NSPs such as this provide a range of sterile injecting equipment, including safe and appropriate disposal of used equipment. NSPs provide specialised injecting equipment such as pill filters and butterflies as well as information, advice on harm minimization and education on HIV, Hep C and other blood borne viruses.
NSPs undertake primary health care (vein and health checks and first aid treatment) and crisis counselling with active referrals to medical, legal, housing and social welfare agencies and provides follow up support services.
Primary NSPs are open during week days 9.00am to 5.00pm, with a break over the lunch period. In general Primary NSPs are closed during public holidays and weekends. Over Christmas and Easter Primary NSPs may be open for limited hours, phone DIRECTIONS ACT for further information or see the website link provided.