If you are facing a crisis, call FAIRS on 1800 003 308 between 9am-4pm or Crisis Care on 131 611 after 4pm. If you need to escape domestic violence and you have no place to go ring the Domestic Violence Crisis Service on 1300 782 200. The Refugee housing program provides accommodation and support for refugees when they first arrive in Australia. Northern Family Accommodation helps families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, providing accommodation in fully furnished homes in the northern suburbs for up to 12 months. NFA can support to families to help them solve problems which are getting in the way of them keeping their home. See website link for further information available: EntryProcedures If you would like to have a chat with one of our Housing Case Workers or get more information, call us on 8209 5460. NFA does not have emergency accommodation or on-the-spot housing: WaitingListDetails The clients for the refugee program are referred by the Federal Government's Department of Immigration, under the Integrated Humanitarian Settlement Scheme. Anglicare manages their accommodation for the first three months, and helps new arrivals find and settle in long term accommodation.