Monthly Paediatric Clinics available.
Referral Requirements; Reason for referral, expectations and needs (including the problem to be assessed, degree of loss of function, pain experienced),Patient demographics including Medicare number, interpreter requirements and mobile phone contact number, Patient's mobile phone contact number and an alternative postal or contact address (if not the same as usual residence),Presenting symptoms/observation (including evolution and duration, severity, impact of condition),Physical findings, Co morbidities (including Diabetes, cardiopulmonary, renal, obesity, (BMI) and details of any associated medical conditions which may affect the condition or its treatment, Results of relevant investigations (pathology, radiology, histology), Current medications and doses, prescribed and over the counter (note any recent changes in drug therapy), Relevant information about the patient's condition such as previous medical/surgical treatment (include systemic and topical medications prescribed for the condition), Relevant psychological and social issues including impact on:
Activities of daily living – low/medium/high, Alerts (including Rx [sp anticoagulants, immunosuppressive], Allergies (drug/topical preparation), Smoking, alcohol history, substance abuse