The paediatric palliative care service undertakes the provision of clinical and consultative service, coordination of general practitioners and health care agencies in the community, support for staff in hospital medical units and metropolitan and regional health service centres, coordination of services and case management, the provision of education in the specialty of paediatric palliative care.
Referrals are accepted from health care professionals across the care spectrum. Families may also access the service without a referral. Presently the criteria for admission to the Palliative Care Service requires that a child be aged between 0 and 18 years, diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, receiving their primary health service in South Australia or Northern Territory. The referral may be posted, faxed or e-mailed to the service.
All children referred to the service are assessed by a paediatric palliative care nurse. If an appropriate admission they will be accepted to receive services. Nurses aim visit all children who live in rural and remote regions of the State and Territory in their home. In this way the palliative care team become known by the local service providers.