Credentialed Diabetes Educator provides one-on-one and group education. The groups run both in the day time at Ashburton and the evening at Hawthorn. There are presentations from Dietician, Podiatrist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist and Credentialed Diabetes Educator. The course also has a supermarket tour with the Dietician it runs for 5 weeks. Diabetes Education is provided for people who are newly diagnosed to people going onto insulin and everything between. One – on – one appointments are conducted from Ashburton and Richmond. They are free of charge are generally run for 45 minutes. Bookings are made on Ph. 9885 6822
Diabetes Programs
Two Diabetes programs are offered at Inner East Community Health to provide advice and support for clients who have diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes. These programs are:
• Diabetes Education Group – This group is for adults with a diagnosis of diabetes.
The program includes a series of talks from a Dietician, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Podiatrist, Physiotherapist and Psychologist covering a wide variety of topics with regards to Diabetes Management. A supermarket tour is also included. Participants are provided with an information pack of resources and fact sheets and include NDSS sign up and Vic Roads registration.
• Life Diabetes Prevention Program – This is a clinically proven effective lifestyle modification program for adults who are at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The program runs for 5 weeks on a fortnightly basis with a follow up 6 months post completion of the program.
For Diabetes Education Group – Adults who have Diabetes
For Life Diabetes Program the following eligibility criteria apply:
• Diabetes excluded (blood glucose test in last 12m); and
• History of a pre- existing high risk condition (i.e.: either Ischemic Heart Disease / Gestational Diabetes) regardless of their Australian Diabetes Risk Test (AUSDRISK) Score in adults aged 18+; or
• AUSDRISK score of 12 or more & ages over 40+ or over 18 if an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples
To make an appointment please call the Intake workers in our service coordination unit on (03) 9420 9118
Diabetes Group
• $30 for Concession Care , Health Care Card and Pensioners per program
• $50 for Non concession per program
Life Diabetes Program
• Free but participants are expected to attend all sessions
These programs are run from both our Hawthorn and Ashburton sites
Please contact our service coordination unit on (03) 9420 9118 for further information or enquiries.