Send to the Coordinator, Developmental Assessment Clinic, Women's & Children's Allied Health Unit, PO Box 294 St Albans Vic 3021
The Developmental Assessment Clinic is a multidisciplinary assessment team comprising Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology and a Paediatrician. Clinics are conducted over a morning and include a multidisciplinary assessment (standardized and non-standardized assessments) and a feedback session to parents/caregivers. A report and management plan is generated for each child seen.
There is also access to an Audiologist, Physiotherapist, Dietician and Social Worker. The main objective of the clinic is to provide a thorough assessment and co-ordinated management of children and their families who have complex multidisciplinary needs.
The clinic has two streams: a general development assessment stream and a specific stream for assessment of autism spectrum disorder.
Children are eligible for assessment if they are not receiving services from a specialist early intervention programme and are presenting with a delay in more than one area of development and/or need confirmation of a diagnosis and/or overall management/recommendations.
The DAC oftern runs with an extensive waiting list (4-6 months).