View details for Inner West Area Mental Health Service - Norfolk Community Care Units
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: 1 Travancore Crescent, TRAVANCORE, VIC 3032
Available facilities:
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 9am
1.4km away
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Acute mental health inpatient service in Parkville
24 results within 260km
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Acute mental health inpatient service in Parkville
24 results within 260km
24 results within 260km
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: 1 Travancore Crescent, TRAVANCORE, VIC 3032
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 9am
1.4km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: Royal Melbourne Hospital, Level 2, John Cade Unit, Level 2, 300 Grattan Street, PARKVILLE, VIC 3052
Bulk billing only
Open now
1.4km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: Royal Melbourne Hospital, Level 1, 300 Grattan Street, PARKVILLE, VIC 3052
No fees
Closed • Opens 9am
1.4km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: 130 Church Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121
Fees apply
Open now • Closes 8:30pm
5.2km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: Ursula Frayne Centre, 35 Mavis Street, FOOTSCRAY, VIC 3011
Mixed billing
Open now
5.7km away
Acute mental health inpatient service
Address: Royal Talbot Rehab Centre, 1 Yarra Boulevard, KEW, VIC 3101
Fees apply
Open now
6.3km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: 35 Rosehill Road, ESSENDON WEST, VIC 3040
Fees apply
Open now
7.2km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: St Georges Hospital, 283 Cotham Road, KEW, VIC 3101
No fees
Closed • Opens 8:30am
9.3km away
Acute mental health inpatient service and more
Address: Delmont Private Hospital, 298-308 Warrigal Road, GLEN IRIS, VIC 3146
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
14.8km away
Acute mental health inpatient service
Address: Central East Mental Health, 131 THAMES STREET, BOX HILL, VIC 3128
No fees
Closed • Opens 9am
15.4km away