View details for Sonic Health Plus Oxley
Occupational medicine
Address: Canossa Private Hospital, Suite 1, 169 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, OXLEY, QLD 4075
Available facilities:
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
6.8km away
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Occupational medicine in Salisbury
19 results within 108km
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Occupational medicine in Salisbury
19 results within 108km
19 results within 108km
Occupational medicine
Address: Canossa Private Hospital, Suite 1, 169 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, OXLEY, QLD 4075
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
6.8km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Canossa Private Hospital, Lower Ground Level, Entry 2, 169 SEVENTEEN MILE ROCKS ROAD, OXLEY, QLD 4075
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
6.9km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Level 15, 100 Edward Street, BRISBANE CITY, QLD 4000
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
8.8km away
Occupational medicine and more
Address: Manor Apartments Newspaper House, 289 Queen Street, BRISBANE CITY, QLD 4000
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 7am
9.1km away
Occupational medicine
Address: West Tower, Level 5, 410 Ann Street, BRISBANE CITY, QLD 4000
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
9.7km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Level 1 Suite 6, 1151 Wynnum Road, CANNON HILL, QLD 4170
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
11km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Unit 2, 148 Mica Street, CAROLE PARK, QLD 4300
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
12.8km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Level 1, 188 Nudgee Road, ASCOT, QLD 4007
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
14.1km away
Occupational medicine
Address: Shop 6, 1-7 The Circuit, BRISBANE AIRPORT, QLD 4008
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
15.8km away
Occupational medicine and more
Address: 42 Bryants Road, SHAILER PARK, QLD 4128
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
18.8km away