View details for QUFW - Spring Hill
Ultrasound scan
Address: Leichhardt Court, Level 1, Suite 11E, 55 LITTLE EDWARD STREET, SPRING HILL, QLD 4000
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
0.2km away
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Ultrasound scan in Spring Hill
15 results within 166km
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Ultrasound scan in Spring Hill
15 results within 166km
15 results within 166km
Ultrasound scan
Address: Leichhardt Court, Level 1, Suite 11E, 55 LITTLE EDWARD STREET, SPRING HILL, QLD 4000
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
0.2km away
Ultrasound scan
Address: First Parking Building, Level 1 Suite 14, 248-250 Ipswich Road, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD 4102
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8:30am
4.6km away
Ultrasound scan and more
Address: Suite 4A, 15 Dennis Road, SPRINGWOOD, QLD 4127
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
20.8km away
Ultrasound scan
Address: Wing Of The Peninsula Private Hospital, 89 George Street, KIPPA-RING, QLD 4021
Bulk billing only
Closed • Opens 8:30am
26.3km away
Ultrasound scan
Address: 95 Southern Cross Circuit, SPRINGFIELD CENTRAL, QLD 4300
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
27.4km away
Ultrasound scan
Address: Suite 5B, 10 Churchill Street, IPSWICH, QLD 4305
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
31.5km away
Ultrasound scan and more
Address: Chelmsford Avenue, IPSWICH, QLD 4305
No fees
Closed • Opens 8am
31.8km away
Ultrasound scan and more
Address: 7-15 LEACH ROAD, TAMBORINE, QLD 4270
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
48.2km away
Ultrasound scan
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens 8am
65.5km away
Ultrasound scan
Address: Southport Central Tower, Level 4, Suite 2401, 5 LAWSON STREET, SOUTHPORT, QLD 4215
Fees apply
Closed • Opens 8am
68.5km away