View details for Adult & Teen Challenge WA
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: 81 Ellersdale Avenue, WARWICK, WA 6024
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
0.3km away
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential) in Warwick
9 results within 45km
Health services may not be operating as usual in parts of Queensland and NSW. We aim to keep information on impacted services up to date. Check the Service Finder for open times and appointment availability.
To seek advice or assistance in Queensland, call 13 Health (13 43 25 84), otherwise call healthdirect on 1800 022 222. For urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000).
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential) in Warwick
9 results within 45km
9 results within 45km
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: 81 Ellersdale Avenue, WARWICK, WA 6024
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
0.3km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: Cyrenian House, 920 Gnangara Road, CULLACABARDEE, WA 6067
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
10.9km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential) and more
Address: 318 Fitzgerald Street, PERTH, WA 6000
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
11.8km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: 134 Palmerston Street, PERTH, WA 6000
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens Mon, 17 Mar 9am
12.2km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential) and more
Address: 55 Central Avenue, MAYLANDS, WA 6051
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
12.8km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: 11-15 Wright Street, PERTH, WA 6000
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens Mon, 17 Mar 8am
13km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: 32 Moore Street, EAST PERTH, WA 6004
Mixed billing
Closed • Opens Mon, 17 Mar 9am
13.9km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential) and more
Address: 56 FOURTH ROAD, ARMADALE, WA 6112
Mixed billing
Open now • Closes 5pm
40.2km away
Drug and alcohol dependence treatment (Residential)
Address: Confidential Address, BEDFORDALE, WA 6112
Fees apply
Open now • Closes 5pm
43.7km away