Babies and toddlers health

Babies' and toddlers' health

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition your baby needs during their first 6 months of life. Find out all you need to know about breastfeeding.

Coughs and colds in children
Most coughs and colds in children are caused by viruses. Find out how to treat your child and prevent them from developing and spreading a cold.

Croup is very common in children under 5 years old. Learn about croup symptoms, treatment, and when to seek urgent medical help.

Fever in children
Fevers are quite common in young children and they are usually mild. Find out how to deal with fever and high temperatures in children here.

Food allergies in children
Does your family have a history of eczema, asthma, hay fever or food allergies? Learn about food allergies in children and how to spot a reaction.

Medicines for babies and children
Get practical and reliable advice on giving your sick infant or child medicine, including help with measuring dosage and managing side effects.

Rashes can be red, pink, purple, flat or bumpy, itchy, scaley or pus filled. Read on to learn about the causes and management of various rashes.

Symptoms of serious illness in babies and children
If your child has a serious illness, it's important to get medical attention quickly. Learn how to recognise the symptoms and what to do.

Whooping cough
Whooping cough is a contagious bacterial infection and is most serious in babies. Here's how to spot the symptoms and protect infants.