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Benign tumours

1-minute read

Tumours are abnormal growths in the body. They are caused by cells in the body dividing more than normal or not dying when they should. Tumours can be either benign or malignant (cancerous).

Benign tumours are not cancerous and only grow in one place. They do not spread to or invade other parts of the body, but they can be dangerous if they press on vital organs, such as the brain. Treatment for benign tumours, if it’s needed, usually involves surgery. Once removed, benign tumours don't usually grow back. Some examples of benign tumours include lipoma, uterine fibroids, or acoustic neuromas.

Some specific types of benign tumours can turn into malignant tumours and should be monitored closely by your doctor. These include certain types of polyps that can occur in the colon.

Follow the links below to find trusted information about benign tumours.

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Last reviewed: April 2024

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ACD A-Z of Skin - Infantile Haemangiomas

A-Z OF SKIN Infantile Haemangiomas BACK TO A-Z SEARCH What is it? Also known as…Strawberry Birthmarks What are Infantile Haemangiomas? Infantile haemangiomas are the most common benign growths of infancy and childhood, affecting 2

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Birthmarks in babies, children and teens | Raising Children Network

Birthmarks include congenital dermal melanosis, cafe-au-lait macules, port wine stains, salmon patches, stork marks and infantile strawberry haemangiomas.

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What is an acoustic neuroma? - Ear Science Institute Australia

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumour that develops on the nerves connecting the inner ear to the brain.

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ACD A-Z of Skin - Syringoma

Syringomas are benign skin tumours most commonly seen around the eyelid area. Uncommonly they can occur around the genital area. Eruptive forms of syringomas may occur on the chest, neck and abdominal areas.

Read more on Australasian College of Dermatologists website

Treatment By Cancer Type - Radiation Oncology Targeting Center

Find out about the treatment available for different cancer types, including Cervical Cancer, Brain Cancer, and Rectal Cancer.

Read more on Radiation Oncology Targeting Cancer website

About cancer and your cancer journey | NT.GOV.AU

Types of cancer, tumours and your cancer journey if you are diagnosed with cancer.

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Conductive Hearing Loss - Ear Science Institute Australia

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Acoustic neuroma - Better Health Channel

In its earlier stages, an acoustic neuroma can present similar symptoms to other, less serious conditions, which may delay diagnosis and treatment.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis -

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare inflammatory condition that can lead to abdominal pain and kidney failure.

Read more on MyDoctor website

Brain surgery - Better Health Channel

Brain surgery is performed for a number of reasons, including alterations in brain tissue, brain blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

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