healthdirect app
Make informed decisions about your health with healthdirect’s free app.

Create a user account
Build a reading list for the health topics you need to know about, and explore recommended articles and medicine information.

Connect your My Health Record
Your health records are easy to find when you need them.

Check your symptoms
Find out when to seek urgent medical help, when to see a doctor and how to care for yourself at home.

Find health services
Search for a health service, pharmacy or a medical professional near you. Find out if they bulk bill or are open right now, and book an appointment.
Look up your medicine
With nearly 10,000 pages about medicines registered in Australia, healthdirect has the country’s most comprehensive medicines catalogue. Search for your medicine by brand name or active ingredient on the app.
Use the health library
Learn about a condition, procedure or medicine. Our information is approved by qualified health professionals.
Help in an emergency
If it’s an emergency and you don’t know exactly where you are, the healthdirect app provides latitude and longitude coordinates that you can give to emergency services over the phone. You can also find your nearest hospital emergency department.
Need help with your user account or My Health Record integration in the healthdirect app? See the frequently asked questions (FAQs) here.