Healthy lifestyle

Balanced diet
It's important to eat a balanced diet. Make sure you choose foods from the 5 food groups. The amounts you need vary depending on your life stage.

Understand cholesterol risks and how to lower levels, prevent heart disease, and make dietary changes. Learn about cholesterol and heart health.

Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference
Learn how to calculate your body mass index (BMI) and measure your waist circumference. These measurements tell you if you are a healthy weight.

Weight loss and dieting
Discover healthy weight loss tips, avoid fad diets and learn how to maintain a balanced diet and exercise plan for long-term weight loss success.

Fatigue is when you feel exhausted and have no energy. Read about the possible causes of fatigue, some self-care tips and when to seek help.

Fibre-rich foods
High-fibre foods can reduce your risk of disease and keep your digestive system healthy. Find out how much fibre you need, and how to get it.

Fitness and exercise
Physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Check out these tips for starting yoga, running, swimming and more.

Healthy eating
Get healthy eating tips and advice, such as good foods swaps, and how to follow a balanced diet and reduce your sugar intake.

Healthy food swaps
Need help to meet your health goals such as reducing your blood pressure or cholesterol? See healthdirect’s list of healthier food alternatives.

How alcohol affects your health
Many of us drink alcohol, but there are side effects. Read about alcohol's effects on your body, safe drinking, what a standard drink is and more.

Physical activity guidelines for older people
Over-60s should be active every day. Here's how much exercise you need to stay strong and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

Quitting smoking and vaping
Quitting smoking and vaping will improve your health and reduce any health risks, such as cancer. Learn about the different methods like NRT.

Sexual health
Learn more about sexual health topics such as contraception options, STIs, and conditions like erectile dysfunction (impotence) and premature ejaculat...