Bullying and harassment
Bullying can take many forms and can affect people in many different ways. Bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly tormented by another person or group using words or actions to make them feel weak or helpless.
Types of bullying and harassment include:
- physical: including hitting, poking, tripping and pushing
- verbal: such as name calling, insults and abuse
- cyberbullying: using technology or social media
- workplace bullying: such as when a worker repeatedly behaves unreasonably in the workplace
- sexual harassment: for example, unwanted sexual advances or behaviour towards an individual.
If you think that you, or someone close to you, could be having to deal with bullying and harassment, find out more below about the of types of bullying, the effects and what to do.

Bullying occurs in many ways which all cause distress and pain to the person being bullied. Learn to recognise the signs and where to get advice and s...

Cyberbullies work together or alone and attack their victims using electronic means, such as email or social media. Learn how to recognise cyberbullyi...

Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying can be physical or mental and the behaviour directed against the victim can also be threatening or demeaning.

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention. It can affect your mental health, and is illegal. Learn what to do if you are being sexually harassed.