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COVID-19 vaccine FAQs

10-minute read

Key facts

  • COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all Australians aged 18 years and older.
  • Vaccination is also recommended for children aged 6 months to 18 years who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19.
  • Regular COVID-19 vaccinations (boosters) are the best way to stay protected against severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Vaccination is free for everyone living in Australia, even if you don't have a Medicare card.
  • You can get proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status through your immunisation history statement.

Who should have the COVID-19 vaccination?

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all Australians aged 18 years and older.

It's not usually recommended that children and teenagers under 18 years of age get the COVID-19 vaccination. However, vaccination is recommended for children aged 6 months to 18 years who have conditions that make them more likely to get very sick from COVID-19.

Currently, a COVID-19 vaccine is given with an injection into your muscle.

Why should I have the COVID-19 vaccination?

The COVID-19 virus has caused millions of deaths around the world. Vaccination lowers your chances of getting very sick or dying from COVID-19.

How many doses of the COVID-19 vaccine do I need?

The first time you get a COVID-19 vaccine is called your primary vaccination course. Most people now only need one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as their primary course.

You may need 2 doses if you have a high chance of getting very sick from COVID-19. Speak with your doctor about how many primary course doses you need.

Your chance of getting very sick from COVID-19 can be higher if you have certain conditions, such as:

If you have a condition or treatment that affects your immune system, you may need more vaccine doses. These conditions and treatments can include:

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for unvaccinated pregnant females. This is because you're more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 during pregnancy.

Who should be vaccinated against COVID-19?

Children aged 6 months to 5 years

  • Generally healthy children in this age group do not need a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Children in this age group with medical conditions that affect their immune system should have 2 primary doses. They can also have a third dose. All doses are spaced apart.
  • Those with other conditions can have 2 to 3 primary doses, spaced apart.

Children aged 5 years to 18 years

  • Generally healthy children in this age group do not need a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Children in this age group with conditions affecting the immune system should have 2 primary doses. They can also have a third dose. All doses are spaced apart.
  • Those with other medical conditions can have 1 primary dose.

Adults aged 18 years and older

  • Every healthy adult should have 1 primary dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Adults with medical conditions that affect the immune system are recommended 2 primary doses. They can have a third dose for additional protection. All doses are spaced apart.
  • Adults with other medical conditions should have 1 primary dose.

Why do I need the COVID-19 vaccination every year?

Regular COVID-19 vaccinations, called boosters, are the best way to stay protected against getting very sick from COVID-19.

People with severe COVID-19 illness can need hospital treatment. Severe COVID-19 can be life-threatening.

COVID-19 booster vaccinations are especially important for people:

  • aged 65 years or older
  • at higher risk of severe COVID-19

Speak with your doctor about a vaccination plan for you.

Who should get regular vaccinations (boosters) against COVID-19?

If you don’t have a condition that affects your immune system:

  • less than 5 years: no booster recommended
  • 5 to 17 years: no booster recommended
  • 18 to 64 years: a booster is recommended every 12 months
  • 65 to 74 years: a booster is recommended every 12 months, but you can have it every 6 months
  • 75 years and older: a booster is recommended every 6 months

If you have a condition that affects your immune system, and you are:

  • less than 5 years: no booster recommended
  • 5 to 17 years: a booster is recommended every 12 months
  • 18 to 64 years: a booster is recommended every 12 months, but you can have it every 6 months
  • 65 to 74 years: a booster is recommended every 12 months, but you can have it every 6 months
  • 75 years and older: a booster is recommended every 6 months
A booster vaccination is not normally recommended while you're pregnant, unless you have another condition. Learn more about COVID-19 and pregnancy.

You can get the COVID-19 vaccination if you are breastfeeding. The vaccines are safe for both you and your baby.

To get the best protection from COVID-19, you should get all the recommended vaccine doses for your age and health needs.

Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccination?

You can ask your doctor or pharmacist if they're giving COVID-19 vaccinations. Use our guided search feature to help find a vaccine clinic near you.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

Do I need to pay for my COVID-19 vaccination?

All COVID-19 vaccinations are free for people living in Australia, even if you don't have a Medicare card.

Do I need to have the COVID-19 vaccination if I'm recovering from or have had COVID-19?

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended even if you've had COVID-19 before.

Your immunity is stronger when you have protection from a past COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.

You do not need to delay having other vaccines, such as your flu vaccine, if you've recently had COVID-19. But you should not have a vaccination while you are unwell.

Does the COVID-19 vaccination protect me from the flu?

While COVID-19 and the flu have similar symptoms, they are caused by different viruses. The COVID-19 vaccine won't protect you from the flu. The flu vaccine won't protect you from COVID-19.

You should get both the COVID-19 and flu vaccinations according to the advice for your age and health needs.

Can I get the COVID-19 vaccination at the same time as the flu vaccination?

It's safe to get your COVID-19 vaccination at the same time as your flu vaccination.

People aged 5 years and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other vaccines.

Do COVID-19 vaccines have side effects?

The most frequently reported side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are injection-site reactions, such as a sore arm. Other side effects that may occur are:

These side effects usually last a couple of days. If you're concerned about any side effects, speak with your doctor or pharmacist.

Anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) after COVID-19 vaccines is very rare. It happens at a similar rate to other vaccinations given in Australia.

Call 000 for an ambulance if you experience severe symptoms after vaccination, such as difficulty breathing, wheezing, a fast heartbeat or collapse.

Millions of people around the world have now had the COVID-19 vaccination. This gives health authorities information that supports the use of COVID-19 vaccines.

In Australia, vaccines are only approved for use after they have been assessed by experts. The experts check that the benefits outweigh any risks. In Australia, this is done by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The TGA provides information on each COVID-19 vaccine that is approved in Australia.

How do I prove that I have had the COVID-19 vaccination?

You can prove your COVID-19 vaccination through your immunisation history statement. Your immunisation history statement shows all the COVID-19 vaccine doses you've had.

Services Australia explains how you can get your immunisation history statement.

You can also get an International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate if you are travelling overseas.

Some employers may need you to have the COVID-19 vaccination. The Fair Work Ombudsman has more information about the current laws in your state or territory.

Resources and support

Learn about COVID-19 vaccines in easy-read format:

If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, you can call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: November 2024

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Need more information?

These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

Top results

COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccine information for the Western Australian community.

Read more on WA Health website

COVID-19 vaccines - ACT Government

Information about COVID-19 vaccinations in the ACT.

Read more on ACT Health website

COVID-19 vaccinations | SA Health

Information on the COVID-19 vaccine, including availability, eligibility, safety and vaccination records

Read more on SA Health website

COVID-19 vaccination - Better Health Channel

How to book your COVID-19 booster appointment and advice about vaccination.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

Vaccination from community pharmacy – at a glance | NCIRS

This resource includes information previously contained in NCIRS’ ‘COVID-19 vaccination from community pharmacy’ information sheet.

Read more on National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) website

FAQs - COVID-19 Vaccine - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

This fact sheet answers common questions about having a COVID-19 vaccine if you have a bleeding disorder like haemophilia: how to prevent bleeding, safety and having FLUVAX at the same time.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

COVID-19 vaccines | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Find out how we approve and regulate COVID-19 vaccines in Australia.

Read more on TGA – Therapeutic Goods Administration website

Read more about COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant & breastfeeding women

Visit our website to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and breastfeeding women and those planning pregnancy.

Read more on RANZCOG - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website

COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme - Services Australia

You may be able to get financial support if you’ve experienced harm because of a COVID-19 vaccine or its administration.

Read more on Centrelink website

Decision aid: Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine? | NCIRS

A COVID-19 Decision aid has been developed to help people make an informed decision about getting a COVID-19 vaccine. The tool provides evidence-based information about both the disease and the vaccines and, through five simple steps, helps people weigh up the risks and benefits of vaccination.

Read more on National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) website

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