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Drug and alcohol rehabilitation

5-minute read

Key facts

  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation (rehab) helps you stop or reduce your use of drugs and alcohol.
  • Rehab services aim to reduce your chance of harm from drug or alcohol use.
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment includes 'detox' and counselling.
  • Ask your doctor to refer you to a service that suits your needs.

What is drug and alcohol rehabilitation?

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services can help you when you have a problem with how you use an addictive substance. These services are also called 'rehab services'.

Rehabilitation services offer treatment, counselling and support to help you stop or reduce your use of drugs and alcohol. This means you don't have to do it alone.

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation aims to reduce your chance of harm from substance use. Therapy can help you develop skills so that you do not feel dependent on drugs or alcohol.

Where do rehabilitation programs take place?

You can get treatment in:

  • a community-based treatment centre
  • a residential rehabilitation service

During residential treatment, you might need to stay in a special clinic for a while. This might be days, weeks or months.

How is drug and alcohol addiction treated?

Treatment can cover:

  • detoxification (washing out of the substance out of your body)
  • rehabilitation
  • counselling
  • medicine

Counselling is the most common treatment. When you go to counselling:

  • you will talk to someone who understands drug and alcohol issues
  • you can have counselling one-to-one or in a group setting
  • what you say is confidential (kept private)
  • the counsellor can help you make changes to your alcohol or drug use
  • your counsellor can help you find out about other therapies

If you have a bad problem with drugs or alcohol, you might need to go into hospital for treatment.

You may have withdrawal symptoms while getting rid of drugs or alcohol from your body. You may need medicines to help manage these symptoms.

You may need to do a detoxification (detox) program to help control your withdrawal symptoms.

If you are dependent on drugs or alcohol and have a mental health condition, you should get help with both at the same time.

Rehabilitation might not work the first time. Many people need to go through the process more than once to get the result that they want.

Where can I go for help?

Ask your doctor about your options. They can refer you to rehabilitation treatment services.

You can also find a list of support services at the bottom of this page.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

How can I help someone with drug and alcohol rehabilitation?

Overcoming addiction can be hard.

If you need to support a loved one going through rehab, you may also need support. Talk to a doctor or a drug and alcohol service for advice.

Family Drug Support Australia offers 24-hour support to families and friends of drug and alcohol users. Call 1300 368 186.

It's important to look after yourself when caring for someone with an addiction.

What does drug and alcohol rehabilitation cost?

You can get drug and rehabilitation services through:

  • state government health departments
  • non-government organisations and charities
  • private drug and alcohol treatment centres

The costs of getting treatment vary. Some treatments are free. Some rehabilitation centres ask for a co-payment. Private treatment centres generally set their own fees.

Depending on your level of cover, some private health insurance companies offer rebates for rehab treatments.

When you contact a rehab service ask them about their costs, fees and any Medicare rebates.

Resources and Support

For more information on drug and alcohol rehabilitation you can contact:

To find a drug and alcohol service you can visit the Alcohol and Drug Foundation website.

Young people can get support from:

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: August 2024

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Top results

If I decide I need help with my alcohol/drug use, what options are available?

If you're trying to stop or reduce your use of substances, seeking professional help can be a good idea, particularly if you've been coping with your drug or alcohol issue for a long time.

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Alcohol, drugs and tobacco | NT.GOV.AU

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Explore the Drug Wheel for comprehensive facts on Stimulants, Depressants, Cannabinoids, and more. Understand the effects of specific drugs.

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Help & Support - Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Get help and support with Path2Help. Answer questions to find the right drug and alcohol services and info for you or a loved one.

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Local Drug Action Teams - Alcohol and Drug Foundation

The Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) Program supports communities to work together to prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

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Are there drug and alcohol services specifically for young people?

Yes, there are specialist detox, rehab, counselling and other services for young people.

Read more on NSW Health website

I have specific cultural beliefs and values where can I go for support for my alcohol and drug use?

There are many culturally-specific services that can help you, such as drug and alcohol services run by Aboriginal Corporations, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) services.

Read more on NSW Health website

Why do people use? - Alcohol and Drug Foundation

No one takes a drug to feel worse. Most people who drink alcohol and/or use legal or illegal drugs do not become dependent on any of these substances.

Read more on Alcohol and Drug Foundation website

DrugInfo - Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Get confidential support from DrugInfo on alcohol and drugs, treatment options, and referrals, available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm AEST.

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Treatment and support - Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre

Treatment and support Alcohol is the most common drug of concern that both Aboriginal and non-Indigenous people seek help for [43453][37817]

Read more on Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet website

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