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Electric shocks and burns

7-minute read

An electric shock can be life threatening. Call an ambulance on triple zero (000) if someone has had an electric shock and has lost consciousness, difficulty breathing or slow or fast heartbeat.

Key facts

  • Electric shocks are caused by contact with live electricity that sends an electric current through the body.
  • Sometimes an electric shock only causes a fright and some pain, but it can be severe enough to knock someone unconscious and stop their heart.
  • Symptoms include difficulty breathing or not breathing at all, a weak, erratic pulse (slow / fast or irregular) or no pulse at all, burns, loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.
  • If someone gets an electric shock, be careful as they might still be in contact with electricity and touching them could shock you too.

What is an electric shock or burn?

Electric shocks are caused by contact with live electricity that sends an electric current through your body. Sometimes the electricity can cause a burn, often where the electricity entered or exited the body.

Sometimes an electric shock only causes a fright and some pain. But sometimes it can be severe enough to knock someone unconscious and stop their heart. It depends on the voltage, the type of current and whether the current impacts the heart.

What are the symptoms of an electric shock or burn?

Electric shock signs and symptoms depend on current type, how high the voltage is, how long the person was in contact with electricity, and their overall health.

The symptoms of an electric shock are:

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

What causes electric shocks or burns?

Common causes include:

  • exposed electrical wires
  • water on electrical appliances
  • cutting through a live cable
  • old wiring
  • faulty appliances

Electric shocks are occasionally caused by lightning.

When should I call an ambulance or go to the emergency department?

An electric shock can be life threatening. Call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance if someone has had an electric shock and:

  • lost consciousness, even for a second
  • they are breathing very fast or very slow
  • their heartbeat is very fast, or very slow, or irregular

If you do not call an ambulance, always take someone who has been shocked to the nearest hospital emergency department for assessment.

Even if you cannot see a physical injury, an electric shock might cause internal damage. Even after a mild electric shock, you still need medical attention to check if it has affected your heart.

What should I do while waiting for an ambulance?

If someone near you receives an electric shock, do not put yourself in danger:

  • Look first, don't touch — the person may still be in contact with the electricity, and if you touch them, you will get an electric shock.
  • Switch off the electricity at the mains, remove fuses, turn off all power points and unplug all cords before approaching the person.
  • If that's not possible, use material that does not conduct electricity, such as a dry wooden broom handle, to separate the person from the electricity source.
  • Take extra care if the victim is in contact with water, as water conducts (carries) electricity.
  • If there is a downed power line, stay at least 6 metres from any cable. Do not try to remove the cable or go near any vehicle that is touched by the cable. Ask the person not to move.

When it is safe, check if the person is conscious and breathing. Gently touch and talk to the person. If there is no response, start CPR.

If there is an electrical burn, you can treat it in the same way as you would any other burn.

Put the burnt area under running water for at least 20 minutes then cover with a sterile gauze bandage, if available, or a clean cloth. Do not use a blanket or towel, because loose fibres can stick to the burns.

How are electric shocks or burns treated?

In the hospital emergency department, doctors will run tests to check for damage to your heart or soft tissue of your body. They offer you pain relief medicines.

Most people with an electric shock or burn will be able to go home, unless they have damage to the heart or other organs that needs to be treated in hospital.

Can electric shocks or burns be prevented?

You can ensure electrical safety in your home by installing safety switches and making sure they are tested regularly. Always use a licensed electrician for electrical work and make sure you repair any damaged power points or switches.

Never use a power tool, appliance or electric lead that you know is faulty or has a frayed cord. Avoid using electrical appliances in wet areas or near pools.

At work, make sure all electrical equipment is regularly inspected, tested and tagged. For more information, visit Safe Work Australia.

Are there complications of electric shocks or burns?

The most common complication of an electrical injury is infection.

Some people have damage to the brain, which can cause seizures, depression, anxiety or personality changes.

Resources and support

See St John Ambulance for more information about the first aid management of electric shocks.

Information about prevention of electric shocks in the home is available from the National Electrical and Communications Association.

Call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 at any time to speak to a registered nurse (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria) for more information and advice.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: November 2023

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