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Eye tests

7-minute read

Key facts

  • Regular eye tests by an optometrist can help find eye problems early.
  • During your visit the optometrist will check your eyes in several different ways.
  • An eye test will tell you if wearing glasses will help you see better.
  • The cost of an eye test is usually covered by Medicare.
  • Most people should have an eye test every 2 or 3 years.

Why should I have an eye test?

Regular eye tests with an optometrist can help make sure your eyes are in good health. They can pick up problems with your eyes before you notice anything.

You don't need a doctor's referral to see an optometrist for an eye test.

Eye tests can also check if you have trouble seeing at different distances. Your optometrist can give you glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision.

Regular eye tests can detect and diagnose eye problems in the early stages, such as:

The earlier these problems are found, the sooner you can get treated. This will improve your vision outcomes.

How often should I have an eye test?

People aged 40 years and over should have an eye test every 2 to 3 years. However, you should have a test more regularly if you have risk factors such as:

You should also see a doctor or organise an eye test if you notice any:

  • symptoms with your eyes
  • changes to your vision
  • age over 65 years

Where can I have my eyes tested?

You can get your eyes tested by an optometrist. Your doctor can also check your eyes and your vision. If they think you may have a vision problem or eye disease, they may:

  • suggest you see an optometrist
  • refer you to an ophthalmologist (specialist eye doctor)

What happens during an eye test?

During an eye test, the optometrist will:

  • ask you about your general health
  • ask you about your family medical history
  • run eye tests to check your eyes

The optometrist may tell you that you need glasses or contact lenses. If so, they will give you a prescription. You can use this to arrange glasses or contact lenses separately, after your appointment.

What are the different types of eye tests?

There are lots of different kinds of eye tests. These are used to check the outside and inside of your eyes for any problems.

Not everyone will need each kind of eye test. It will depend on your health and your risks for certain eye conditions. Some eye tests are listed below.

Visual acuity

The visual acuity test is used to check your ability to see detail at different distances. This is a test that most people are familiar with. It involves naming letters, numbers or shapes from a chart.


The visual acuity test might suggest that you need glasses or contact lenses. If so, the optometrist will do refraction testing, or retinoscopy.

Your optometrist will ask you to look into a refraction testing machine. You might need to read another chart or look at an image. While you are looking at the chart, the lenses you are looking through are changed.

This test helps your optometrist decide on the exact prescription you need. Retinoscopy can diagnose refractive conditions such as:

Peripheral vision

Your peripheral vision is what you see through your side vision, or 'out of the corner of your eye'. Losing your side vision can be a sign of glaucoma. This test is also known as a visual field test.

Eye muscles

Your optometrist can check that your eye muscles are working properly by testing your:

  • pupil
  • ocular motility (eye movements)
  • eye co-ordination

To test your pupils, the optometrist may shine a light into your eyes. They will watch how your pupil reacts to light. When the light is bright, your pupil should shrink.

Ocular motility testing looks at how well you can move your eyes, to look up, down and side to side.

If your eyes are not moving well together you may have strabismus (cross eyes).

Checking the front of the eye

The front of the eye includes the:

  • cornea
  • lens
  • iris

The optometrist may shine a slit lamp into your eye. This is done to check for any issues, such as cataracts.

Checking the back of the eye

The optometrist may do a retinal test, or ophthalmoscopy. This test is used to check for any problems in the back of your eye, such as macular degeneration. Your optometrist will look at your:

  • retina
  • blood vessels
  • optic nerve

For this test, you will be given eye drops. These help the optometrist to see your eyes better. The drops might make your eyes sensitive to light. This may make your sight a bit blurry for a few hours afterwards.


This test measures the pressure in your eye. Your optometrist uses a machine that blows a quick puff of air into your eye.

High pressure can suggest problems such as glaucoma.

How much will I pay for an eye test?

Medicare subsidises eye tests given by optometrists for all Australian permanent residents. If the optometrist bills the government directly on your behalf, you won't have to pay anything. This is called bulk billing.

If your optometrist bulk bills, Medicare will pay for:

  • one eye test every 3 years, if you are under 65 years
  • one eye test every year, if you are over 65 years

If your optometrist doesn't bulk bill, you will be able to submit a claim to Medicare.

How much will I pay for glasses if I need them?

Medicare doesn't cover the cost of glasses or contact lenses.

If you have private health insurance you may be able to claim for glasses or contact lenses. This will depend on your insurer and your level of cover.

Find out if your state or territory has a scheme to help with the cost of buying glasses or contact lenses. For example, the Victorian Eyecare Service offers low-cost glasses to eligible people.

Resources and support

Learn more about looking after your eyes at Good vision for life.

Call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to speak with a registered nurse, 24 hours, 7 days a week (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria).

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: September 2024

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Eye tests - Better Health Channel

Regular eye tests or check-ups detect problems early, so you can have early treatment to minimise any permanent damage to your eyes.

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