Hormones control many body functions including reproduction, metabolism, blood pressure and our stress response. Learn more about the hormonal system below.

Adrenal glands
Find out about your adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys and make several important hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a natural stress hormone. It is also a medicine used in an emergency for severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).

Cortisol is a stress hormone with important functions. Find out what happens if you have too little or excess cortisol and about corticosteroid drugs.

Endocrine glands and their hormones
Find out more about the endocrine glands and hormones in your body, such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Follicle stimulating hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is made by the pituitary gland in the brain. Find out what it does and when your FSH blood level may be tested.

Hormonal contraceptives and periods
Find out how different hormonal contraceptives (for example the oral contraceptive pill, hormonal IUD, and injection) might affect your period.

Hormonal system
The endocrine (hormonal) system influences your metabolism, growth and other functions. Learn more about what it is and related conditions.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) comes in various forms and is used to treat the symptoms of menopause.

Human growth hormone
Human growth hormone is a small protein that travels in the bloodstream to stimulate growth. Learn more about its medical uses.

Insulin and diabetes
Find out about insulin and diabetes, including important points on storing insulin, and what to do if you run out of insulin or it has expired.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally made in your body. It helps to control how and when you sleep. It can be taken as a medicine if you have slee...

Oestrogen is a female sex hormone which helps control puberty and strengthen bones. Learn how too much or too little can cause health conditions.

Oxytocin is a hormone that plays an important role in both the female and male reproductive system.

The pancreas is a vital organ that helps the body digest food and control blood sugar levels. Read about its role and how to keep it healthy.

Parathyroid glands
Your parathyroid glands are small glands that are found in your neck and make parathyroid hormone (PTH). Find out more about PTH here.

Pineal gland
Find out about the pineal gland. This is a very small gland in your brain that makes the hormone melatonin, which controls your internal body clock.

Pituitary gland and hormones
Your pituitary gland is found in your brain and is considered your body’s ‘master gland’. Learn more about the role of your pituitary gland here.

Your testosterone levels can vary depending on your sex, age and health. Learn more about low testosterone, possible causes and symptoms.

Thyroid gland
Your thyroid gland sits in the front of your neck and helps control your metabolism. Read about the different thyroid hormones and thyroid problems.