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Duoresp Spiromax 200/6 TM
You should seek medical advice in relation to medicines and use only as directed by a healthcare professional. Always read the label. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
Active ingredients: formoterol
Brand name
: DUORESP SPIROMAX budesonide / formoterol (eformoterol) fumarate dihydrate 200 microgram / 6 microgram powder for inhalation dry powder inhalerDownload the Consumer Medicine Information Leaflet
Download consumer medicine information leaflet (pdf) from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website
What this medicine is used for
Asthma: DuoResp Spiromax is indicated in adults (18 years and older) for the treatment of asthma, to achieve overall asthma control, including the relief of symptoms and the reduction of the risk of exacerbations (see Section 4.2 Dose and method of administration).,DuoResp Spiromax is not indicated in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years as the 100/6 dose is not available.,Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): DuoResp Spiromax is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe COPD (FEV1=50% predicted normal) in adults with frequent symptoms despite long-acting bronchodilator use, and/or history of recurrent exacerbations. DuoResp Spiromax is not indicated for the initiation of bronchodilator therapy in COPD.
How to use this medicine
This medicine contains one component only.
Component :
- Inhalation, powder for
- Oral
- White or off-white powder in a multi-dose dry powder inhaler
Storage conditions
- Store below 25 degrees Celsius
- Replace the cover firmly after use
- Shelf lifetime is 3 Years.
Do I need a prescription ?
These medicine packs are available from a pharmacist and requires a prescription. It is
- 1 x 120 dose inhaler pack
- 2 x 120 dose inhalers pack
- 3 x 120 dose inhalers pack
Is this medicine subsidised ?
This medicine was verified as being available on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) on March, 1 2025. To learn more about this subsidy, visit the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) website.
Pregnant or planning a pregnancy ?
For the active ingredient formoterol
You should seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist about taking this medicine. They can help you balance the risks and the benefits of this medicine during pregnancy.
Reporting side effects
You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.
You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at
Need more information?
These trusted information partners have more on this topic.
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