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Constipation Relief (Chemists' Own) TM
You should seek medical advice in relation to medicines and use only as directed by a healthcare professional. Always read the label. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
Active ingredients: lactulose
Pack: Constipation Relief (Chemists' Own) 667 mg/mL oral liquid, 500 mL, bottle
Brand name
: CHEMISTS' OWN CONSTIPATION RELIEF SYRUP lactulose 667 mg/mL oral liquid bottleWhat this medicine is used for
Treatment of acute, and prevention and treatment of chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE), including the stages of hepatic pre-coma and coma.,Treatment of chronic and habitual constipation.,Where a soft stool is considered of medical benefit (haemorrhoids, post-colonic/anal surgery).
How to use this medicine
This medicine contains one component only.
Component :
- Oral Liquid
- Oral
- Clear, colourless to brownish-yellow, viscous liquid.
Storage conditions
- Store below 25 degrees Celsius
- Shelf lifetime is 3 Years.
Do I need a prescription ?
We are unable to tell you if you need a prescription for these medicines. You can ask your pharmacist. This medicine is
- 500 mL pack
Reporting side effects
You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.
You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at
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