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Worm Treatment (Pharmacy Action) TM
You should seek medical advice in relation to medicines and use only as directed by a healthcare professional. Always read the label. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
Active ingredients: mebendazole
Brand name
: PHARMACY ACTION WORM TREATMENT mebendazole 100mg tablet blister packWhat this medicine is used for
For treatment of single or mixed helminthic infestations of Enterobius vermicularis (threadworm), Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm), Trichuris trichura (whipworm) and of Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (hookworm).
How to use this medicine
This medicine contains one component only.
Component :
- Tablet, uncoated
- Oral
- Slightly orange, circular, flat, bevel-edged, half scored tablet with orange flavour.
Storage conditions
- Store below 30 degrees Celsius
- Shelf lifetime is 3 Years.
Do I need a prescription ?
The packs below are available from a pharmacy without prescription. It is
- 2, 4 and 6 tablets pack
Pregnant or planning a pregnancy ?
For the active ingredient mebendazole
You should seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist about taking this medicine. They can help you balance the risks and the benefits of this medicine during pregnancy.
Reporting side effects
You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.
You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at
Need more information?
These trusted information partners have more on this topic.
Top results
Worms - threadworms -
Threadworms are the most common form of worm infection in Australia. Worms are easily treated with pharmacy medicines. Find out what products are available for worms.
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Worms | SA Health
Worms are bowel parasites - threadworm is the most common - worm eggs can survive up to 2 weeks in the environment and infect other people
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Worms in kids & teens | Raising Children Network
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Threadworms are tiny parasitic worms that can infect your large intestine. The most common type of infection in Australia is Enterobius vermicularis and is particularly common in children.
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Threadworms do not go away by themselves, so they must be treated in order to eradicate them.
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You may be overjoyed to hear that interacting with dogs can have a variety of health benefits to people. However, before you invite man’s best friend into your care facility, there are several considerations that need to be made in order to ensure that clients, volunteers, visitors, staff and dogs can all have a safe and enjoyable experience.
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