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6-minute read

Key facts

  • Moles are dark or skin-coloured spots or bumps formed from a cluster of skin pigment cells.
  • Moles are usually benign, however some types can develop into melanoma or other skin cancers.
  • It is important to do regular skin self-checks.
  • If you notice a new mole or that a mole has grown or changed in shape or colour, see your doctor.
  • To help protect yourself from skin cancer, it is important to always use sun protection including clothing, hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.

What are moles?

Moles are normal overgrowths the skin cells that produce pigment, called melanocytes. They can be flat or raised. Their colour can range from skin coloured to pink to brown or black.

You are not usually born with moles, but by age 15 you may have around 50 moles. Moles can appear anywhere on your body, including palms and soles, nails, genitals, scalp and eyes.

Moles are different to freckles. Freckles are flat and only appear on the face of fair-skinned children or the shoulders after sunburn. They are due to the pigment in the pigment cells becoming darker with sun exposure.

Your doctor may use the word ‘naevus’, which is another word for mole.

What are the different types of moles?

You may see different words that describe moles:

  • Benign naevus/mole is a normal mole. It is harmless.
  • Congenital naevus/mole is a mole that you are born with, or that develops shortly after birth.
  • Blue naevus/mole is a mole that looks blue. The blue colour is caused by the pigment being deep in the skin. They are usually harmless.
  • Dysplastic mole or an atypical naevus/mole, is usually larger than other moles (larger than 5 mm). It often has an undefined border, uneven colour, irregular shape and some pinkness. Some of the features of dysplastic moles are similar to features of melanomas. Even though they are a risk factor for melanoma, they rarely become melanoma. They do not normally need to be removed.

Can my mole become a skin cancer?

Most moles are harmless, but there is a very small chance (around 1 in 10,000) a mole will change and become a melanoma. If you have a large number of moles (more than 100) or if you had a lot of sun exposure in childhood, you are at increased risk of developing melanoma.

Dysplastic moles are an additional risk factor for melanoma. The risk of melanoma increases as the number of moles and dysplastic moles you have increases.

How are moles diagnosed?

Regular skin checks performed by your doctor are important, especially if you have a large number of moles or several dysplastic moles. All of your skin needs to be checked, not just your moles, as melanomas can start as new spots.

Your doctor will most likely use a dermatoscope (a hand-held tool with a light and a magnifier) to check if a mole has features that are suspicious for cancer. They may also use photographs to compare your moles over time, from one skin check to the next.

You should self-examine your skin at least every 3 to 4 months and tell your doctor if you notice any moles that are new, growing or changing.

Check your moles regularly and look out for the following:

  • increasing size
  • changing shape
  • changes to the colour — look out for moles that have several colours or shades
  • any bleeding or itching
  • new moles which look different or unusual

If you have a mole, avoid scratching or picking it — keeping children’s fingernails short and trimmed may help stop them scratching their moles.

If your mole is in a vulnerable area where it could be knocked or scraped against something, you should try to protect it.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

How are moles removed?

Most skin spots that look like moles do no need to be removed. Your doctor may recommend you have a mole removed if it is larger than usual or if it looks like it may be cancerous.

If you need to have a mole removed, the doctor will give you a local anaesthetic to numb the area. they will then cut or shave the mole off with a surgical blade or use a hollow tube with a sharp end (punch device) to remove the mole.

You may have stitches to the area and a dressing to cover the wound and keep it clean until your skin heals.

After a mole is removed, you should take care to keep the wound area clean and use pain relief medicine if needed. Tell your doctor if the wound develops redness, swelling, worsening pain or discharge.

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

Can moles be prevented?

The number of moles you have is largely due to the genes you inherit. Exposure to sunlight, especially in childhood and early teenage years also affects if new moles develop.

You should avoid too much sun exposure and protect your skin by wearing tightly woven long sleeved clothing, broad brimmed hats and sunglasses and applying sunscreen regularly.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

Resources and support

Read more on moles on the Australian College of Dermatologists website.

The Cancer Council has information on skin protection and screening programs.

Look at healthdirect's guide for sun protection, to help avoid too much sun exposure.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: November 2023

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Need more information?

These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

Top results

Check for signs of skin cancer | Cancer Council

Is it a mole or is it skin cancer? Learn how to check yourself for skin cancers and recognise signs of melanoma and other types of skin cancer

Read more on Cancer Council Australia website

Skin Cancer (growth of abnormal skin cells) - Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons

Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. It is the most common of all cancers and Australia has the highest incidence in the world.

Read more on Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons website

Skin Cancer Guide: Types, Symptoms, and Prevention | Cancer Council Victoria - Cancer Council Victoria

Understand more about skin cancer including what it is, what types are there, how common it is, who is at risk & what causes it.

Read more on Cancer Council Victoria website

What are moles? | Cancer Council

Find out the difference between a freckle and a mole and what signs you should be looking for when it comes to cancerous moles

Read more on Cancer Council Australia website

Moles: children and teenagers | Raising Children Network

Moles look like small round spots of colour on your child’s skin. They’re common and mostly harmless. If you’re worried about your child’s moles, see a GP.

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ACD A-Z of Skin - Skin Cancer – An Overview

Australia reports the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer are the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia

Read more on Australasian College of Dermatologists website

Skin Cancer - ACD

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers through use of appropriate sun protection. On this page you will find evidence-based resources to support dermatologists, other health professionals, patients and communities to make safe and wise decisions when it comes to prevention, early detection and diagnosis, treatment and management of skin cancer.

Read more on Australasian College of Dermatologists website

Skin cancer – risks and early signs | National Centre for Farmer Health

Farming men and women and agricultural workers spend a lot of time working outdoors. Without appropriate protection they can be increasing their risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer can be a life-threatening condition and protecting skin from Ultraviolet (UV) radiation should be taken very seriously. Read more...

Read more on National Centre for Farmer Health website

Skin cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Cancer Council

What is the difference between a melanoma and skin cancer? Learn how to check your skin for symptoms, how they are diagnosed and treated here

Read more on Cancer Council Australia website

Skin cancer - SunSmart

Skin cancer facts, risk factors, diagnosis & treatment, and skin cancer information for health professionals.

Read more on Cancer Council Victoria website

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