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Motivation: How to get started and staying motivated

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Motivation is the drive you need in order to achieve your goals.
  • Motivation is important to break old habits and to develop healthy ones.
  • Many people struggle with getting and staying motivated, especially if they have mental health conditions.
  • Ask your family and friends to support you and help you stay motivated.

What is motivation?

Motivation is that inner drive that pushes you to do something. Sometimes, it's sparked by wanting to achieve your goals, and other times, it's simply about getting through daily tasks. It is influenced by:

  • how much you want to achieve the goal
  • what you will gain
  • what you will lose from not achieving your goal
  • your personal expectations

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation to make a start. It helps if you understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get and stay motivated.

Why is motivation important?

Motivation is important because it helps you:

How can I get motivated?

Here are some tips for getting motivated:

  • Set yourself one specific, achievable goal.
  • Think about how to include that goal in your life — ask yourself what you need to do to make it happen.
  • Break your goal into small, easy tasks and set regular reminders to complete each step.
  • Give each small step a due date — when do you want to have achieved it?
  • Use your family and friends for support — tell them about your goals and encourage them to help you stay motivated.

Most people struggle with motivation, but it is even more challenging if you have mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. If you are struggling with these issues, talk to your doctor or mental health professional.

The 'Big 5' — MindSpot has identified 5 types of daily activities you can do to improve and maintain good mental health. Learn more about the Big 5 self-assessment.

How can I stay motivated?

Here are some tips to stay motivated:

Stay positive:

  • Positive self-talk is important and effective in staying motivated. Instead of saying 'I can't', say 'I can try'.
  • Regularly review your goals and progress. Seeing progress boosts motivation and also improves self-esteem.

Keep up your momentum:

  • It takes about 2 months to develop a new habit, but it can take longer for some people and certain habits. Stick with your routine to help it feel automatic.
  • Continue to set new goals. Think about what you want to achieve next week, next month and next year. Focus on one goal at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Get some help:

  • Find mentors. For example, find someone who is experienced in the habit you want to change. Joining social or support groups with the same interests can help you find a mentor.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Positive friends and family can enhance your positive self-talk. This also helps to manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Stay healthy:

What can I do if I lose motivation?

Setbacks are normal, but developing resilience can help you carry on and continue from where you left off.

Here are some tips to help you find your motivation again:

  • Review your goals and consider if they are realistic and in the timeframe you have set. You may need to break your goal down further into smaller and more achievable steps.
  • Remember why you wanted to reach that goal in the first place.
  • Take motivation from others — feel inspired by reading a book. Talk to your mentor, or friends or family who have reached similar goals to the ones you have set.
  • It’s OK to sometimes need to take a break and start afresh.

Resources and support

Motivation and healthy habits

Study motivation

Mental health and motivation

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples

  • WellMob Healing Our Way provides social, emotional, and cultural wellbeing online resources.
  • Yarn Safe by headspace is a place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to seek information, help and support.

You may want to bookmark and revisit this page when you need help with motivation.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: August 2024

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