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Organ and tissue donation

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Organ donation is when organs are removed from a donor and transplanted into someone who is very ill.
  • Tissue donation is a medical process where tissue is removed from a donor and transplanted into another person.
  • The Australian Organ Donor Register is where you can record your decision to become an organ and tissue donor.
  • Almost anyone can become a donor.

What is organ donation?

Organ and tissue donation is when you decide to give an organ or tissue to someone else.

Some organs and tissues can be donated when you are alive. However, most organ and tissue donations happen after you’ve died.

You can choose to donate any or all of these organs:

And any or all of these tissues:

  • heart valves
  • bone tissue
  • skin tissue
  • eye tissue

It’s important that you share your decision with your loved ones.

Why do people need organ or tissue transplants?

People who need an organ transplant are usually very ill or dying. They may vary in age from babies through to older people.

They may have:

  • kidney disease
  • heart failure
  • lung disease
  • liver disease
  • type 1 diabetes

Up to 7 lives can be saved by one organ donor.

How does the organ and tissue donation process work?

For someone to be an organ donor, they need to die in a hospital. Usually, they will be on a ventilator in intensive care. This is because their organs need to be working well to be transplanted.

When someone is in this situation, their medical team and donation specialists will talk about transplant options with their family.

During and after the decision to donate, families are supported by the:

  • Intensive Care Unit team
  • DonateLife Agency Donor Coordinator
  • Donor Family Support Coordinator

Free bereavement counselling is also offered to families.

Donation staff will keep in touch with the donor’s family and continue to provide support and information.

Australia is known for its successful organ transplants.

How are organs and tissue allocated?

Donated organs are matched by:

The person with the greatest need will get the transplant.

What is the Donor Register?

The Australian Organ Donor Register is the national register for people aged 16 years or older. It keeps a record of your decision to become an organ and tissue donor.

It is a confidential national record of your organ donation decision. It’s linked to your Medicare account and administered by Services Australia.

The Australian Organ Donor Register allows your decision to donate to be checked. This can be done by authorised doctors anywhere in Australia at any time of day or night.

You can register your decision to:

  • be on the Donor Register
  • be removed from the Donor Register
  • register your decision not to be a donor

Recording your decision on the Donor Register is voluntary. You can decide which organs and tissues you wish to donate. You are also able to change your decision details in the future.

Who can become an organ and tissue donor?

Anyone over the age of 16 years can register to donate their organs and tissues.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, or even if you think you’re not healthy enough — you can still register.

Even if you smoke, drink alcohol or have an unhealthy diet you can still register to be a donor.

A specialist donation team will look at every case. There is every chance that some of your organs and tissues will be suitable for donation.

Most organ and tissue donations come from people who have died. However, only 2% of Australians die in a way that makes it possible for them to donate their organs. This is why every donor is precious.

How do I register on the Donor Register?

You can register your decision to donate your organs online with DonateLife, or via myGov.

Or you can download and complete the Australian Organ Donor Register form.

Can I check if I’ve already registered?

You can check if your details are already on the Organ Donor Register. The Australian Organ Donor Register has a handy tool that lets you do this.

What if I registered as an organ donor when I renewed my driver’s licence?

In many states, you can no longer register a donation decision via your driver’s licence.

The Australian Organ Donor Register is the only national register. It lets you record your decision about becoming an organ and tissue donor.

The Register allows your donation decision to be checked by authorised personnel anywhere in Australia.

I've already registered to be an organ donor, why should I tell my family?

When you die, organ and tissue donation will only go ahead with the support of your family. The medical team will never go ahead with a donation if the donor family objects.

Your family are less likely to give consent if they don’t know your wishes. In fact, nearly half of Australians do not know the donation wishes of their loved ones.

Questions about organ donation

Will the doctors still try to save my life if they know I'm a donor?

Medical staff will do everything possible to save your life. Organ and tissue donation will only be considered if you have died ore are expected to die.

Will my family be able to view my body?

Your body is always treated with dignity and respect. Your family will still be able to view your body if they wish.

Removing organs and tissue is no different from any other surgical operation. It is done by highly skilled doctors in a hospital.

You will have a surgical cut with stitches just like other operations. This will be covered in a dressing and won’t be visible under your clothes.

Will my organs and tissue be used for research?

Organ donation is about helping to save or improve other people’s lives.

Donated organs and tissue are never used for research unless your family gives written permission for this to be done.

Is organ and tissue donation against my religion?

Most major religions support organ and tissue donation as an act of compassion and generosity. These include:

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Judaism

Donation specialists can help your family to support your religious and cultural needs.

If you are not sure whether your religion is supportive or organ donation, speak to your religious adviser.

Why should I think about donating my organs?

Few people die in a way that allows for organ donation to take place. Organ donors must die in hospital where their body can be medically supported until the organs can be donated.

Only about 2 in every 100 hospital deaths are in circumstances where organ donation is possible.

There are now more than 1,800 Australians waiting for an organ transplant. Another 14,000 people have kidney dialysis and may need a transplant in the future.

It’s important to register as an organ donor — only a small number of people can donate their organs.

Resources and support

You can find out more about the Australian Organ Donor Register through Services Australia.

To join the Australian Organ Donor Register, visit DonateLife.

Transplant Australia is a charity which supports:

  • transplant recipients and their families
  • people on the waiting list
  • donor families and living donors
  • healthcare professionals

You can visit the Transplant Australia website or call them on 1800 827 757.

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Last reviewed: February 2024

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Organ and tissue donation | Lifeblood

Thought about being an organ donor? Find out the importance of organ and tissue donation, and how to donate.

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Organ and Tissue Donation - St Vincent's Lung Health

Information and organ and tissue donation in Australia

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Ethical guidelines on organ and tissue donation and transplantation | NHMRC

The availability of donor organs and tissues for transplantation relies mainly on the generosity of individuals, and their families, to donate.

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Organ and tissue donation | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Donating organs and tissue can save people’s lives. Depending on the organ or tissue, you can donate while you’re alive or after death. Find out what we’re doing to support donors and people waiting for transplants.

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Australian Organ Donor Register - Services Australia

The national register where you record your organ and tissue donation decision.

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