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1800RESPECT is Australia’s national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. They provide a free, confidential service, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Telstra Health and three specialist organisations, including DVConnect, Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre and 54 Reasons (formerly Save the Children Australia) deliver 1800RESPECT on behalf of the Australian Government.

Vision and mission

1800RESPECT is available 24/7 and provides free, confidential counselling, information and support to people affected by domestic, family and sexual violence across Australia.

They are committed to delivering a high-quality, accessible and inclusive national front door service.

How 1800RESPECT can help

1800RESPECT provides counselling, information and support for:

  • People experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family and sexual violence
  • People supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family and sexual violence
  • Professionals supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence.

Information lines / help lines

  • Call 1800RESPECT at 1800 737 732 or chat online via their website ( They are available 24/7.

Programs and apps and tools

  • Daisy app — a free app that provides information about local support services across Australia, including for domestic and family violence, sexual violence, housing, legal, health and financial support
  • Sunny app — a free app to support people with disability impacted by violence and abuse

Recommended links

Last reviewed: January 2023

Information from this partner

Found 64 results

Responding to disclosures of forced marriage | 1800RESPECT

If you have a reasonable suspicion that a child or young person is at risk of any type of violence or harm, it is important to seek help. Under state and territory laws you have certain obligations to report child abuse and neglect.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Responding to experiences of violence disclosed by community members from CALD, migrant and refugee backgrounds | 1800RESPECT

Responding effectively to domestic, family and sexual violence in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities requires cultural competence. The best way to learn how to respond in a culturally competent way is with training.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Child safety reporting obligations | 1800RESPECT

Mandatory reporting requirements in domestic, family and sexual violence situations

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Financial Abuse Support Toolkit | 1800RESPECT

Financial abuse is a form of domestic or family violence. It can include controlling or preventing access to your money. Financial abuse is not OK and support is available.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Children and young people | 1800RESPECT

Being a witness to violence is distressing for children and young people. There are things you can do to support a child or young person exposed to violence and abuse.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Violence in times of disaster | 1800RESPECT

In the aftermath of a disaster, violence increases. When responding in a disaster context, your knowledge of sexual, domestic and family violence continues to apply.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Supporting someone experiencing sexual violence | 1800RESPECT

Responding well when someone shares their experience with you can make a big difference.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Sexual violence | 1800RESPECT

Sexual violence is being forced, pressured or tricked into doing sexual things when you don't want to.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Safety planning with people with disability | 1800RESPECT

A safety plan for a person with disability needs to be developed with a support service. Issues such as communication difficulties, limited mobility or special care requirements can mean that extra planning and support are needed.

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples | 1800RESPECT

Providing the right support means understanding the causes and effects of violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Read more on 1800RESPECT website

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.