The ADA has created and annually leads the Dental Health Week Campaign to improve awareness and education of dental health in Australia.
Vision and mission is Australia’s home of healthy smiles, providing accessible and up-to-date oral health information and resources to help Australian’s keep their teeth and smile for life.
How can help
- provides information on oral health care, dental conditions, and treatments, as well as lifestyle factors linked to oral health through written articles and audio and video multimedia. All information is evidence-based and written and reviewed by dentists around Australia.
- provides advice on accessing dental care, including Government care and Government-run schemes within Australia.
- Dental Health Week is held annually in the first full week of August. It is an awareness campaign that aims to broaden awareness of the importance of dental health and to provide health practitioners with resources to educate their patients.
Information lines / help lines
- Call 02 8815 3333 Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm, AEST