It publicly releases over 200+ reports and data analyses annually covering over 75 health and welfare topics.
The AIHW has more than 30 years of experience working with health and welfare data. It is recognised both nationally and internationally for our statistical expertise and proven track record in providing high quality, independent evidence.
The AIHW is backed by numerous data holdings and unmatched knowledge of data and information related to the Australian health and welfare sectors.
Vision and mission
The AIHW is committed to providing statistical information that governments and the community can use to promote discussion and inform decisions on health, housing and community services.
Their vision is to provide stronger evidence (data and information) for better decisions and improved health and welfare.
How AIHW can help
The AIHW offers a range of services, from data development through to analyses and data linkage—tailored to our clients’ needs for information and statistics.
It also offers a suite of products including brief and detailed reports, data visualisation tools and data downloads to meet the different needs of their audiences.
Information line
Call +61 2 62441000 or email