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Choosing Wisely Australia

The Choosing Wisely Australia website is now hosted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as part of the redesign of the Quality Use of Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Pathology program.

The Choosing Wisely website enables clinicians, consumers and healthcare stakeholders to start important conversations about tests, treatments and procedures where evidence shows they provide no benefit, or in some cases, lead to harm. The website challenges the way we think about health care, questioning the notion 'more is always better'.

It brings together Australia’s health professional bodies, health services, clinicians and other healthcare providers, researchers, consumer advocates, consumers and the media in a national dialogue to shift the culture around low-value and unnecessary healthcare.

How Choosing Wisely can help

The Choosing Wisely website supports consumers in choosing healthcare, encouraging them to engage in shared decisions about their care – that is evidence-based, truly necessary, doesn’t duplicate care and avoids harm.

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Last reviewed: January 2023

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Found 21 results

Communicating with your healthcare provider - Choosing wisely

Good communication between you and your healthcare provider is important. Effective communication between you and your healthcare provider is an essential part of good healthcare. You should feel confident and comfortable in making decisions about your health and managing your condition. However, achieving this is not always easy. Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your healthcare appointments.

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Coughs, colds and sore throats - Choosing wisely

Antibiotics aren’t likely to help coughs, colds or sore throats. Download a factsheet about treating respiratory infections here.

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Patient & Public Engagement in Choosing Wisely - Choosing wisely


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Do not routinely prescribe oral antibiotics to children with fever without an identified bacterial infection - Choosing wisely


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What is a medicines review? - Choosing wisely

A medicines review can improve your treatment and prevent problems, especially for elderly patients taking multiple drugs.

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Do not prescribe benzodiazepines for low back pain. - Choosing wisely


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Heartburn and reflux: manage your medicine - Choosing wisely

Heartburn and reflux medicines (proton pump inhibitors) are often only needed for a short time. Download a factsheet about managing heartburn and reflux.

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Patient guide to managing pain and opioid medicines - Choosing wisely


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Antibiotic resources for consumers - Choosing wisely

Antibiotics resources for consumers, including background information about antibiotics, useful links and information

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Advance Care Planning – starting the conversation - Choosing wisely

Advance Care Planning is an important process. It involves talking with friends and loved ones about your future health care wishes, documenting what you may or may not want and it can include appointing a substitute decision maker. It enables you to take control of your future health care and treatment if you are not able to communicate your wishes.

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.