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e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU)

The Australian National University (ANU), in collaboration with e-hub Health (an ANU spin-off company), delivers a range of online self-help programs for mental health - ‘e-hub Web Services’ with the aim of reducing common mental health problems in the community and improving the lived experience of people with a mental illness.

Many people with depression and anxiety disorders don’t seek help, which means that their symptoms are likely to last longer and recur. Frequently reported obstacles to help-seeking include lack of access (especially to psychological treatment), fears of stigma, and the belief that ‘no-one can help’. e-hub Web Services provide quality information and training via technology solutions in order to help to overcome these obstacles.

Vision and mission

The vision of e-hub Web Services is for all individuals to have access to quality evidence-based information and effective early intervention and treatment resources for mental health problems.

The mission of e-hub Web Services is to deliver online self-help programs which are based on the best available evidence and evaluated through high quality research.

How e-hub Web Services can help

e-hub Web Services are online self-help programs (MoodGYM , e-couch and BluePages) which can be accessed anonymously and free of charge by all Australians 24 hours a day, from anywhere. The programs have been developed by international experts in the field of mental health and web service delivery research, some of whom have personally experienced depression. The programs are consumer focused and based on the best available scientific evidence.


All programs are provided free of charge to Australians thanks to funding by the Australian Commonwealth Department of Health.

e-hub programs can be used at any time to build resilience, prevent the development of mental health difficulties and to promote wellbeing. They can also be used at any point in recovery to learn symptom management skills.

The programs are:

  • e-couch provides self-help modules for depression, general anxiety and social anxiety using strategies drawn from cognitive behavioural and interpersonal therapies, relaxation, and physical activity. e-couch also includes modules for separation and divorce, and loss and bereavement.
  • moodgym is an interactive self-help program for preventing and coping with depression and anxiety. moodgym teaches self-help skills drawn from cognitive behaviour therapy.
  • BluePages Depression Information provides information about treatments for depression based on the latest scientific evidence, as well as symptom quizzes and relaxation downloads, and links to other helpful resources.

Recommended links

Last reviewed: June 2023

Information from this partner

Found 78 results

Buzz Aldrin - BluePages

Read about Buzz Aldrin's experience with depression.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - BluePages

Find out if psychodynamic psychotherapy is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Music therapy and listening to music - BluePages

Find out if listening to music is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

St John's Wort - BluePages

Find out if St John's wort is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Yoga - BluePages

Find out if yoga is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Glutamine - BluePages

Find out if glutamine is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Phenylalanine - BluePages

Find out if phenylalanine is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Schisandra - BluePages

Find out if schisandra is likely to help.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Other resources - BluePages

Find other sources of help including NGOs, universities, books, and web-based therapy programs.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

Goldberg Anxiety Quiz - BluePages

Worried about anxiety? Take this quiz to see how your anxiety levels compares with other people of your age.

Read more on e-hub Web Services - Australian National University (ANU) website

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