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Ear Science Institute Australia

Ear Science Institute Australia was established in 2001 as an independent not-for-profit Research Institute, dedicated to improving the lives of people with ear and hearing disorders, through patient driven research, education and treatment.

With 1 in 6 Australians having some form of hearing loss they strive to raise awareness of what is often an invisible disability and help Australians understand the significant impact of hearing loss, empowering people in our community with hearing issues.

Vision and mission

Ear Science Institute works to allieviate the impact of hearing loss. Their audiologists, clinicians, researchers, scientists and surgeons all work in synergy to enhance the lives of those with ear and hearing disorders, discovering and delivering innovative treatments to patients today and developing ground-breaking cures for tomorrow’s generation.

They are dedicated to helping people with ear and hearing disorders through research, education, prevention and treatment.

How Ear Science Institute Australia can help

They provide information and the latest research in ear and hearing health.

In Western Australia they:

  • Provide hearing treatments through Lions Hearing Clinic and Ear Science Implant Clinic (registered agents for the NDIS to support individuals with hearing services)
  • In conjunction with the Lions Hearing Foundation they coordinate the Lions Hearing Aid Bank, donating hearing aids to local, national and international organisations
  • Develop resources & training for Audiology students, GPs and Surgeons
  • Arrange Lions Healthy Hearing Pop Ups for local community groups & events - providing free hearing checks and hearing health information, and
  • The Lions Healthy Hearing Outback team take hearing services to the Pilbara in conjunction with Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS).

Information lines /help lines

Call 1800 054 667 Mon to Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm WST - for free Hearing & Tinnitus Advice (Closed public holidays)

Programs apps and tools

  • Free Hearing Check – Check your hearing online in just a few minutes.
  • Free Hearing Aid Check – Check your hearing aids in a few minutes. (Hearing aids help many people, but as your hearing loss progresses, a cochlear implant may give you the clarity and volume you need to understand speech again.)

Recommended links

Last reviewed: March 2022

Information from this partner

Found 45 results

What is Ménière’s Disease? - Ear Science Institute Australia

Classic Ménière’s disease involves a combination of symptoms including tinnitus. Contact us if you are suffering with these symptoms.

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Wearing hearing aids for the first time?

Using hearing aids for the first time can be an overwhelming experience as you readjust to interpreting sounds you may not have heard for years or ever at all.

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Assistive Listening Devices - Ear Science Institute Australia

An alternative hearing device may be right you. Many alternatives can you back to participating in the things you enjoy.

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Untreated hearing loss & dementia

Ear Science Institute is conducting a clinical trial to discover if we can reduce cognitive decline with hearing aids with the Univesity of Western Australia

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

The vital role of GPs to incorporate hearing into primary hcare

GPs are critical in older Australians’ hearing health and associated well-being.

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

The AIMER Program - Ear Science Institute Australia

A solution to better address the emotional impacts of hearing loss

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Do hearing aids reduce tinnitus distress? - Ear Science Institute Australia

2 in 3 Australians will experience tinnitus at some point in their life. Do hearing aids help to reduce tinnitus

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV - A BPPV diagnosis can be extremely unpleasant, however, BPPV treatment is usually very successful.

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Wearing a mask with hearing aids - Ear Science Institute Australia

COVID-19 has made wearing a face mask part of our daily life, making communication with others even more difficult for those with hearing impairment who rely on…

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

The Relationship Between Hearing the World Around You and Improved Mental Health

The Relationship Between Hearing the World Around You and Improved Mental Health

Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.