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Liver Foundation

Liver Foundation is Australia’s national peak body that works across all liver diseases.

Since 1995, they have been working to ensure liver health is a priority for all.

They strive to create a healthier community through promoting liver health and raising awareness and promoting early detection of liver disease.

Vision and mission

Think of three people close to you. One of them is likely to be affected by liver disease in their lifetime.

There are over 100 different types of liver disease currently impacting 1 in 3 adults, as well as many children. Liver disease causes one of the greatest health burdens in our country.

But a great deal can be done.

With interventions, early detection and support, much liver damage can be prevented, and even entirely reversed.

How the Liver Foundation can help


  • Strive to create a healthier community through promoting liver health and raising awareness and early detection of liver disease.
  • Help people take control of their health and act to halt and reverse their liver damage.
  • Connect liver patients to vital resources and services to help them manage their condition and achieve a better quality of life.
  • Fund life-changing research and deliver support that gives hope to people living with liver disease or liver cancer.
  • Provide evidence-based, best practice education for GPs and nurses.

Information lines / help lines

Their FREE nurse-led support line is available from 10:00am – 7:00pm (AEDT). Call 1800 841 118 to speak to a friendly, expert liver nurse for advice and support. This line is free to call. Their friendly nurses are experts in primary liver cancer. Please note this is not a medical service. If you have a health emergency, please call Triple Zero (000) or go to the Emergency Department.

Programs, apps and tools

Recommended links

Last reviewed: December 2024

Information from this partner

Found 72 results

About The Liver - Liver Foundation

The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It weighs just over 1 kg. It sits under your ribs on the right side of your body. The liver is a complex organ that works 24 hours a day. Here are some of the many things your liver…

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Wilson's Disease - Liver Foundation

Key points Wilson’s disease is a rare disorder that you inherit from your parents It prevents the body from getting rid of copper The build-up of copper damages some organs including the liver, brain, kidneys and eyes Wilson’s disease is fatal without medical treatment With treatment, someone with Wilson’s disease…

Read more on Liver Foundation website

Symptoms - Liver Foundation

Most people don’t realise at first that they have a problem with their liver. That’s because liver disease and liver damage rarely cause symptoms in the early stages. You may only find out you have a liver condition because it shows up on blood test or a scan for something…

Read more on Liver Foundation website

Liver Failure - Liver Foundation

Key points Liver failure is when the liver can’t do its normal functions It may be life threatening Chronic liver failure is the end-stage of many long-term liver diseases Acute liver failure can also happen when the liver is suddenly severely injured by a poison, a virus or an illness…

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Medications - Liver Foundation

Key points Your doctor might give you different medicines, depending on your condition This page lists common medicines that are used for people whose liver disease is more advanced (cirrhosis) People with liver disease need to be very careful about which medicines they take and how much, including medicines for…

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Gilberts Syndrome - Liver Foundation

Key points Gilbert’s syndrome is a harmless and mild disorder you inherit from your parents The liver lacks an enzyme and does not process a substance called bilirubin Bilirubin builds up in the blood and can make you sometimes go slightly yellow It doesn’t need to be treated People with…

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Itching - Liver Foundation

Itching is a symptom of liver disease. You might itch anywhere on your body, but it’s most common on the arms and legs, or the palms of your hands or soles of your feet. Some people itch all over. Itching in liver disease can vary from mild to exhausting. If…

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Looking After Yourself - Liver Foundation

If you have liver disease, there are some things you can do to protect your liver and prevent any further damage. Vaccinations If you have liver disease, it's very important to talk to your doctor about vaccinations you need to protect your health. Read more Medicines All drugs, even over-the-counter…

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Liver Diseases List - Liver Foundation

View a full list of liver diseases that we provide symptoms, causes and treatment information for.

Read more on Liver Foundation website

Liver Lesions - Liver Foundation

Key points Benign liver lesions are non-cancerous growths or lumps in the liver They are very common and are usually found when a scan is done for another reason Benign liver lesions can be caused by lots of different conditions They don’t spread to other parts of the body and…

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