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Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW

Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW (Wayahead) participate in the development of mental health initiatives which result in increased community awareness and knowledge of mental health issues.

Wayahead run free information services such as the Mental Health Information Line (1300 794 991) and the Wayahead Directory online directory of mental health services.

Wayahead provide support for anxiety disorders through their Understanding Anxiety website which includes anxiety support groups and the Anxiety Disorders Support Line (1300 794 991).

They provide free mental health education through Understanding Anxiety forums, Small Steps seminars for primary school teachers and parents, and through the Wayahead websites and fact sheets.

Wayahead also promote better mental wellbeing and prevention through the following programs:

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Last reviewed: August 2024

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Found 23 results

Physical exercises for older people to improve wellbeing | WayAhead

Exercise is extremely beneficial to your wellbeing; as we get older we tend to benefit more from exercise.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Seasonal Affective Disorder - WayAhead

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a mood disorder that occurs in people who display no other mental health symptoms or issues throughout the year.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Learn the facts about Social Anxiety | WayAhead Fact Sheet

Social Anxiety Disorder is an intense fear, and often avoidance, of social situations that could result in negative judgments by other people.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Learn the facts about Generalised Anxiety Disorder | WayAhead

Generalised Anxiety Disorder is intense anxiety and worry about a variety of events and issues, and the worry is out of proportion to the situation

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Learn about borderline personality disorder | WayAhead Fact Sheet

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that makes it hard for a person to feel comfortable in themselves.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Learn the facts about Agoraphobia | WayAhead Fact Sheet

Agoraphobia can be defined as significant fear and a belief that it would not be possible to escape a situation if panic-like symptoms occurred.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Big questions about childhood anxiety | Understanding Anxiety

Learn about childhood anxiety with Prof Ron Rapee, of Macquarie University, Julie Leitch, of WayAhead, and special guests, answering commonly asked questions.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Hoarding Disorder - WayAhead

Hoarding is a disorder that presents persistent difficulty with discarding or parting with possessions. The person who experiences hoarding disorder perceives the items to be a necessity, therefore the need to save them.

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Learn the facts about building resilience | WayAhead Fact Sheet

Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” from stressful or challenging experiences. It involves being able to adapt to changes and approach negative ...

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

Antisocial Personality Disorder - WayAhead

Read more on Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW website

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