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Mind Australia

Mind Australia supports people experiencing mental health challenges to find help, hope and purpose in their lives. They provide individualised, evidence-based and recovery focussed support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health challenges in Australia every year.

Vision and mission

Mind Australia supports people experiencing mental health challenges to find help, hope and purpose in their lives.

How Mind can help

They are:

  • One of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services.
  • A leading employer of people with lived experience of mental ill-health, recognising their unique ability to connect with and motivate clients and guide recovery.
  • One of the leading specialist community housing providers in Australia for people experiencing a psychosocial disability.
  • A registered NDIS provider, entrusted to deliver federal and state government funded services across Australia.

Information / help lines

  • Call 1300 286 463 Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm AEST for Mind Connect
  • Call 1300 554 660 Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm AEST for the Carer Helpline

Recommended links

Last reviewed: May 2024

Information from this partner

Found 11 results

What is depression? A Mind Australia explainer for young people | Mind Australia

Staff from the Mind-managed headspace services in Greensborough and Plenty Valley discuss depression, how to identify the warning signs and when to seek help. This project was conducted in partnership with The City of Whittlesea Youth Advisory Council.  This article is an edited excerpt from a video interview.  By Ursa Jensen and Alicia Hodgson. Ursa is a Community Engagement Team Leader with qualifications in counselling.   

Read more on Mind Australia website

Family, Friends and Carers Support - Victoria | Mind Australia

Mind works with young people caring for someone with mental health and wellbeing concerns or drug and alcohol addiction to develop support that is relevant to their needs.

Read more on Mind Australia website

My Better Life | Mind Australia

Mind Australia practitioners provide practical day-to-day and motivational support to help our clients develop the skills they need to move on, thrive, and improve the quality of their lives. We recognise that every recovery journey is unique and requires choice, flexibility and individualised client care. Mind has developed the My Better ® Life model to provide our clients with just that.  

Read more on Mind Australia website

Contact us | Mind Australia

What is Mind Connect?Mind Connect is the virtual front door of Mind – our dedicated Customer Service Team which is available from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday to answer your calls and respond to your email queries. 

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Youth Psychosocial Support Packages - Perth metropolitan area | Mind Australia

The Youth Psychosocial Support Package provides intensive outreach support for young people aged 16-24 in the Perth metropolitan area who have moderate to severe mental health issues, with or without co-occurring AOD issues.

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Access to free and immediate support for mental illness | Mind Australia

New Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs are now operating across Victoria, making it easier for Victorians to access free and immediate support for mental illness.The hubs provide Victorians with easier access to mental health support as they continue to navigate through the impacts of the pandemic.The hubs provide a mix of free face-to-face support, telehealth, mobile outreach and online delivery services.What do the hubs do?The Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs are available to Victorians of all ages who have any mental health or wellbeing concerns.

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Support for you | Mind Australia

The more you look after yourself, the better you feel and the stronger you are. Making even small improvements in things like getting enough sleep, relaxing, doing a bit of exercise and eating and drinking as healthily as you can make a big, positive difference.You knew that already.But we’re all human, and sometimes – because you’re ill, you’re tired or you just can’t see the point – you can’t be bothered to take proper care of yourself.Be bothered. You’re worth it. That’s the point.

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Learn about the system | Mind Australia

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with disability, including disability related to a mental health condition. It puts people at the centre of making decisions about their life and it supports them to achieve their goals.

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Support for carers | Mind Australia

The carers, family, kin and supporters of people living with mental ill-health can be helpful partners in both their care and recovery.

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Service finder | Mind Australia

Mind Recovery College - Australia Helps participants to build a more positive, connected and purposeful life through short courses designed to build knowledge, skills and awareness

Read more on Mind Australia website

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.