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Parkinson's Australia

Parkinson’s Australia is the national advocacy body for people living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers, researchers, and health professionals. They promote the best possible quality of life for people with Parkinson’s. They advocate for the Parkinson’s community on issues of national significance.

Vision and mission

To be the national advocate for the Australian Parkinson’s community.

To be responsive to the needs of people affected by Parkinson’s.

How Parkinson's Australia can help

They work to reduce the impact of Parkinson’s by promoting best practice care to ensure that people can maximise their opportunities to live well and maintain their independence by:

  • Commenting on policy consultations by putting in submissions to bring the voices of people living with Parkinson’s (PLWP) to parliament.
  • Commissioning reports to ensure best available data to base advocacy efforts on.
  • Partnering with peak bodies and PLWP to develop resources.

Information line

Call 1800 644 189 Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm AEST

Programs, apps and tools

  • YOP-X App and website An information portal and resource hub supporting people with young onset Parkinson’s.
  • Monthly Virtual Roundtables Opportunity for the Parkinson’s community to provide feedback on matters important to them and get updates from our CEO about what Parkinson’s Australia is currently doing via these online meetings.
  • Parkinson’s Australia National Conference Held every two years, the conference. Brings together the Parkinson’s community, allied health professionals, people living with Parkinson’s, their families, carers and support workers.

Recommended links

Last reviewed: June 2024

Information from this partner

Found 12 results

Parkinson's Information Hub - Parkinson's Australia

Find helpful information for your Parkinson’s journey. Support your relationship with health professionals by discussing any concerns with your care team.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Lewy body dementia (LBD) - Parkinson's Australia

Understand Dementia with Lewy Bodies and its connection to Parkinson's, including symptoms and care strategies.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

I Am a Carer - Parkinson's Australia

Carers are vital in supporting those with Parkinson's. It's a challenging journey; ensure you care for yourself too. Find FAQs and support for carers.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Restless Legs Syndrome - Parkinson's Australia

Discover information on restless leg syndrome, its symptoms, and its relation to Parkinson's.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Get Involved - Parkinson's Australia

Support Parkinson's Australia through fundraising, donations, and events. We engage with individuals, businesses, and organisations to improve lives.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Statistics - Parkinson's Australia

Parkinson's Australia commissions research so that we have the best available statistics for our advocacy efforts, to inform policy, and to view impacts on an electorate by electorate level.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Young Onset Parkinson's eXchange (YOPX) - Parkinson's Australia

Discover the YOPX app and website, a world-first hub supporting young onset Parkinson’s, developed from real experiences and needs of the community.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Parkinsonisms & Movement Disorders - Parkinson's Australia

In addition to idiopathic Parkinson’s, there are some conditions that present as Parkinson’s or have similar symptoms.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

Dystonia - Parkinson's Australia

Learn about dystonia, a movement disorder related to Parkinson's, and its symptoms and treatments.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

I Have Parkinson's - Parkinson's Australia

If you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, we’re here to connect you to the information you need to live well.

Read more on Parkinson's Australia website

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