Vision and mission
The Stoke Foundation’s mission is to stop stroke, save lives and end suffering.
How the Stroke Foundation can help
The Stroke Foundation stands alongside survivors of stroke and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. They build community awareness and foster new thinking. They support survivors on their journey to live the best possible life after stroke.
Information line
StrokeLine provides advice on stroke prevention, treatment and recovery.
StrokeLine’s allied health professionals can help you find the support and services you need.
- Call 1800 787 653 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, AEST.
- Email
If you require immediate assistance or think you or someone you know is having a stroke, call triple zero (000) straight away.
Programs, apps and tools
- My Stroke Journey has information for survivors of stroke, family members and carers. It can help you navigate the journey from hospital to home and through recovery. Visit My Stroke Journey or contact StrokeLine to be sent a copy.
- EnableMe is a website that can help with your stroke recovery. Get the information you need and connect with other survivors and families.
- YoungStroke is a website for 18-55 age group.