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Women's Health Victoria

Women’s Health Victoria is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of all Victorian women. They are a state-wide woman’s health promotion, advocacy and support service and independent, feminist, not-for-profit organisation, with a proud history of over 25 years.

Vision and mission

Women living well – healthy, empowered, equal

How Women's Health Victoria can help

Women’s Health Victoria provide support services, resources and deliver training, as well as share evidence to influence and shape policy. They are committed to improving the social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing of women throughout their lives. Gender equality is essential to achieve this and underpins everything they do.

Their work is informed by a feminist approach to health promotion and the social determinants of health.

Priority areas include:

Programs and Services:

  • Counterpart – A state-wide support service for women affected by cancer, also their partners, families and friends.
  • Take a Stand - Workplace program for the prevention of violence against women delivering workforce capacity building training and forums to support workplaces and professionals to apply a gendered lens to systems, policy and service delivery.
  • The Victorian Women’s Health Atlas - Up to date data on key women’s health indicators to support advocacy, service delivery and policy making across Victoria.
  • Labia Library - Promoting women’s mental health and positive body image with information advice and photographs to raise awareness about natural genital diversity and support positive body image for women worldwide.
  • WHV Library – The Library (formerly Clearing House) is an information service that supports the work of Women’s’ Health Victoria and builds the capacity of others to incorporate a gendered approach to health.
  • 1800 My Options – For information about contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health

Information line

  • 1800 My Options – call 1800 696 784 Mon to Fri (closed public holidays), 10am to 4pm AEST

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Last reviewed: June 2022

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.