Gastritis is when your stomach lining is inflamed (irritated, swollen and red). Find out about gastritis symptoms, causes, treatments and more.
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Gastritis medicines
Find out about medicines used for gastritis (inflamed stomach lining). Read about the different types and benefits and risks of gastritis medicines.
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Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common bacterium that can live in the stomach lining causing inflammation and sometimes ulcers (sores) and stomach cancer.
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Underlying causes of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain has many causes, and may be short-term, long-term or come and goes. Sudden and severe abdominal pain is a medical emergency.
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Vitamin B deficiency
Vitamin B deficiency can happen when you don’t get enough of the right nutrients. Learn about the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency.
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Stomach cancer
Stomach cancer, most common in males over 50, doesn't always have symptoms. Reduce your risk of stomach cancer by making changes to your diet.
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The role of cortisol in the body
Cortisol is a stress hormone with important functions. Find out what happens if you have too little or excess cortisol and about corticosteroid drugs.
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