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Hearing Aids - Hearing Australia
What better way to decide what hearing aid suits you best than to trial one? Our specialist clinicians take the guesswork out of finding the right hearing solution for you
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Hearing Aids - Ear Science Institute Australia
At Lions Hearing Clinic we stock a huge range of Hearing Aids. Contact us for Phonak Hearing Aids, Oticon Hearing Aids, Bluetooth Hearing Aids and More!
Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Wearing hearing aids for the first time?
Using hearing aids for the first time can be an overwhelming experience as you readjust to interpreting sounds you may not have heard for years or ever at all.
Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Help children to love their hearing aids - Hearing Australia
Let your child choose the colour and style of their hearing aid
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Safety tips for children’s hearing aids - Hearing Australia
Hearing aids play an important role in your child’s language and speech development
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Keeping Your Hearing Aids in Great Condition: 4 Hot Tips
Hearing aids are important and if treated with the care they will last for many years. There are several ways to maintain the integrity of your hearing aids
Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

What to consider when choosing a hearing aid for your child - Hearing Australia
Type and degree of hearing loss: Knowing your child's type of hearing loss means they can get the most suitable device
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Helping your child get used to their hearing aids - Hearing Australia
Every year, a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children start using hearing aids for the first time
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Do hearing aids reduce tinnitus distress? - Ear Science Institute Australia
2 in 3 Australians will experience tinnitus at some point in their life. Do hearing aids help to reduce tinnitus
Read more on Ear Science Institute Australia website

Technology for Children - Hearing Australia
Hearing aids amplify specific frequencies where the child has hearing loss, focusing on the sounds they need assistance with
Read more on Hearing Australia website

Top results
Caring for Clients With Hearing Loss | Ausmed
Knowing how to care for and communicate with clients who have hearing loss is essential for their safety, ability to participate in daily and social activities and overall quality of life. This may include assisting with the insertion, removal, cleaning and troubleshooting of hearing aids. It is also crucial that you can correctly identify the signs of hearing loss and refer clients as soon as possible so that any issues are addressed early.
Read more on Ausmed Education website

Sensory Loss in Older People | Ausmed
Changes to hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch impact how a person experiences the world. Sensory loss in older people is common. In Australia, 93% of people over 65 years of age are experiencing a long-term vision disorder, and 50% of people aged 60-70 have some kind of hearing loss - this increases to 80% after 80 years of age.
Read more on Ausmed Education website

Understanding Invisible Disability | Ausmed
When we think of disability, the first symbol to come to mind for many of us will be a blue figure using a wheelchair - an image otherwise known as the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) (RI Global 2016)
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Dogs in Healthcare Settings | Ausmed
You may be overjoyed to hear that interacting with dogs can have a variety of health benefits to people. However, before you invite man’s best friend into your care facility, there are several considerations that need to be made in order to ensure that clients, volunteers, visitors, staff and dogs can all have a safe and enjoyable experience.
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RACGP - Dementia
Reproduced with permission from The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Read more on RACGP - The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners website

Ear Syringing | Ausmed
Ear syringing is a common procedure that’s estimated to be performed at least twice per week by most general practitioners. However, despite being considered effective and safe, ear syringing causes major complications in 1 out of 1,000 patients and is associated with a variety of risks.
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Delirium Awareness and Cognitive Impairment | Ausmed
When any person, particularly an older adult, accesses a healthcare service, there is a need for health professionals to not only treat their prioritising health concerns but also recognise and treat any other comorbidities they may have concurrently (or consequently) developed during their stay. One such comorbidity that may occur during a hospital stay is delirium. Any patient who has had surgery, is in pain, has moved beds multiple times or is dehydrated is at risk of delirium.
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Showering, Bed-Bathing and Hygiene for Caregivers | Ausmed
Showering and bathing is a personal experience, however, many in your care will need help with this daily-living task. The following article offers instructions on showering, bed-bathing and perineal hygiene, which should be used as a guide and in tandem with your organisation’s policies and procedures.
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Recognising and Responding to Elder Abuse | Ausmed
The term elder abuse describes any kind of failure to act or intentional act that causes harm to an older person and is performed by a person the older adult knows and trusts. In most cases, elder abuse is intentional. It can range in severity from verbal harassment to the infliction of serious physical injury, and also includes acts such as stealing from an older person or isolating them from their loved ones.
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Toxoplasmosis | Pathology Tests Explained
Toxoplasmosis testing is performed in order to detect and diagnose a current or past Toxoplasma gondii infection. T. gondii is a microscopic parasite that in
Read more on Pathology Tests Explained website