What is a pandemic?
A pandemic is a global spread of new diseases, such as COVID-19 and influenza. Here's what you need to know, including how epidemics are different.
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Daisy app
Daisy connects people experiencing violence or abuse to local services across Australia.
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Healthy Mind online program
Healthy Mind from Black Dog Institute is a free, easy-to-read online program designed to support the mental health of people with a mild to borderline Intellectual Disability (ID).
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Sunny app
Sunny is 1800RESPECT's app for people with disability who are experiencing, or risk experiencing, domestic, family and sexual violence. The app provides support to individuals to recognise, respond and get help if they are experiencing violence and abuse.
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First Aid app
A free, easy-to-use app that gives you instant access to the information you need to know to handle the most common first aid emergencies.
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Down Syndrome Health Record App
Health record app is for parents and support people of children with Down syndrome that assists them to record and monitor their child’s health, growth and development.
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Asthma First Aid app
The Asthma First Aid App is an educational tool developed by Asthma Australia for people with asthma, their families and carers. It provides easy access to the asthma first aid steps in both live and training versions. Learn more here.
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NRS app
Communication support for people who are deaf, hard of hearing and /or have a speech impairment and need to communicate with person who can hear and are using a phone.
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Shingles — infographic
Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful blistering rash. This infographic provides you with information on the symptoms, treatments and vaccination.
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Smallpox is a highly infectious disease, eradicated worldwide by successful vaccination. Read about prevention and its relationship to monkeypox.
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