Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual syndrome refers to symptoms that occur around the time of your period. There are ways to help manage your premenstrual symptoms.
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Female reproductive system
The female reproductive system includes organs such as the uterus (womb), ovaries, fallopian tubes and vagina, as well as hormones.
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St John's wort
St John's wort can treat mild-to-moderate depression. It isn't safe for everyone, and can even be dangerous for some. Learn if it's right for you.
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Fluid retention
Fluid retention (oedema) is when you have a build-up of fluid in your body. Find out about the causes, symptoms and treatments for fluid retention.
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Contraceptive vaginal ring
Read about the vaginal ring - a type of contraception (birth control) that works in the same way as the pill and can help control your periods.
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Hormonal contraceptives and periods
Find out how different hormonal contraceptives (for example the oral contraceptive pill, hormonal IUD, and injection) might affect your period.
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Loss of female libido
It's not unusual for people to lose interest in sex at some stage. Read about a range of physical and psychological factors that can be involved.
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Painful periods (dysmenorrhoea)
Period pain (dysmenorrhoea) is common, especially among young females. Learn more about the symptoms and treatments of painful periods.
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Night sweats
Night sweats may be a sign of a medical condition or may be caused by a medicine. Find out more about night sweats, common causes and treatments.
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Irritability and feeling on edge
Occasional irritability is normal. If you feel irritable or on edge all the time, it may be a symptom of a physical or mental health disorder.
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